Halloween is the time when kids can let their imaginations run wild when it comes to choosing what to be for a night celebrating orange and black. For many, it can be a favorite character that they are trying to embody or even becoming one used to bringing fright to others on Halloween night. Either of which may require a wig. Something that can spell problems for the look of the costume if the wig does not stay on. Making it important for parents to know how to keep a child's wig on to eliminate some stress on Halloween.

Wearing wigs can completely transform not only how a person looks but feels about themselves as well. When one is an integral part of a unique Halloween costume, people, and specifically kids, are not going to feel like the character they were trying to bring to life if a wig is ill-fitting and proper steps were not taken to secure it.

But if the options are to try to keep the wig in place as it slips and slides all over or just not wear it, kids are going to choose the latter. This is because, at some point, the frustration levels are just too big to keep fighting wigs. It can cause disappointment on the spookiest night of the year and not nearly as much fun when it comes time to trick-or-treating for candy.

RELATED: 10 Halloween Activities To Do As A Family For Kids Of All Ages

Here is how to keep a child's wig on for Halloween.

Measure To Make Sure Wig Fits

via Unsplash/Harikumar .G.K.

If a Halloween costume comes part and parcel with a wig, it may be difficult to find just the right fit for the wig. But if it is a separate addition to the look for trick-or-treating, then measuring kids' heads is necessary so that the correct wig size can be purchased.

According to Wilshire Wigs, the proper way to measure a head for a wig is to "measure the circumference of your head from the front of your hairline, behind your ear, to the nape of your neck, to your other ear and then back to the front hairline."

When this is done, the wig will not only cover the hair on the head but will properly lay over the scalp as well. Making for a flawless look that for some can look as natural as real hair itself.

Invest In A Stocking Cap

via Pexels/RODNAE Productions

When wigs are placed directly over a clean head of hair, they can slip and move throughout the day. Something that makes for an uncomfortable fit. But if a stocking cap is worn with hair all tucked back, this can all change. Making for a very inexpensive fix for a consistently moving wig.

According to Simply Wigs, the reason that a stocking cap is worn is that it "provides a layer of friction against the wig, helping it to grip."

When this is done, kids will not have to worry about losing their wig if they are allowed to dress up for school or for a night out with their friends collecting candy on Halloween. And the best part is, is that when done with the wig, the stocking cap simply comes off leaving natural hair undamaged in the process.

Use Lots Of Bobby Pins

via Pexels/Mejii

If the use of a stocking cap alone does not keep the wig on because kids are simply too active, then bobby pins can be added to provide an extra level of security to prevent any slippage throughout the day or evening when the Halloween costume and wig are worn.

According to MaxWigs, after hair has been pulled back into a stocking cap, bobby pins can be used to secure the wig both to the cap and the real hair. And when this happens, the wig is not going to go anywhere. Even for very active kids trying to get from house to house to amass as much candy loot as possible on Halloween.

Try Wig Grips

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via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

For most kids, things like wig tape, glue, or silicone sheets are not options given that they are made for those who do not have hair. But, if a more secure fit is needed simply because of kids' activity level, wig grips may just be a great option for keeping wigs in place.

According to Ultimate Looks, wig grips are made out of double-sided velvet. And because they come with an adjustable strap, they can be adjusted to fit the wig to any sized head to keep it from slipping. This is done with the grips being placed over the top of the stocking cap and then on the sides of the head.

Once put into place, wigs will not slip. And kids can feel secure with their wigs and still be able to move normally regardless of what their plans are on Halloween.

Source: Wilshire Wigs, Simply Wigs, MaxWigs, Ultimate Looks