Parenting is an around-the-clock job. As children grow and develop, moms have to continuously adjust to their needs. Making decisions, playing, teaching, talking, and disciplining are a few of the things moms are called to do for their children. All of these interactions will define a mother's parenting style.

The reality is at one time or another all moms have used every style when caring for or disciplining their children. According to WebMD, a child's temperament, age, or even time of day can affect parenting styles. Once moms know their own parenting style, they can become more self-aware about how they respond to their child and make changes as needed.


What Is Authoritative Parenting & Why Experts Consider It The Best

Using PASS To Determine Parenting Style

Mom on computer with son

On Psychology Today, moms can complete The Parental Analytical Style Scale (PASS) to determine which of the four parenting styles they use predominantly when interacting with their kids.

The Parental Analytical Style Scale (PASS) presents parents with a scenario and 4 possible reactions. After answering the 10 scenarios with how they would most likely respond, moms can see which parenting style generally guides their intentions in parenting and discipline.

Learn More About The 4 Main Parenting Styles

Mom looking at book with daughters

After moms have thoughtfully completed the Parental Analytical Style Scale (PASS), they should go on to read more about the parenting styles.

According to Psychology Today, there are 4 main parenting styles.

  • Authoritarian parents keep strict rules and have high expectations for obedience. They are more likely to use corporal punishment and fear in order to have parental control.
  • Neglectful parents take a hands-off approach and spend less time playing, teaching, or talking with their kids. They lack stability or structure.
  • Indulgent (or permissive) parents lack rules or structure but provide attention and love. They tend to be more focused on their child's happiness and being their friend rather than parent.
  • Authoritative parents provide structure and boundaries but allow for independence within those limits. Parents use discipline strategies like natural consequences rather than punishments.

Which Parenting Style Is Best For Kids?

Mom and son playing with dinosaur

According to Healthline, most child development specialists consider authoritative parenting to be the most effective parenting style. Research shows children raised by authoritative parents have higher levels of self-esteem. They are less likely to have problems with substance abuse, engage in unhealthy sexual behaviors, or be violent.

Kids raised in this environment feel secure because the boundaries are clear and parents offer positive feedback. They also feel respected as individuals and have a better understanding of rules. Authoritative parents allow for child input and flexibility.

​​​Moms Become More Self-Aware After Learning Their Parenting Style

Mom with daughter and son

There are so many parenting books and tips out there. Sometimes it can be hard for moms to know where to turn when they need help or have a question as their child grows. Moms can decide if the advice aligns with their parenting style, or the style they are striving to use in their home.

Moms can use their understanding of the parenting styles to guide their daily interactions and decision-making with their kids.

With this information, moms can identify their parenting style and understand how parents of each style interact with their children. Remember there's not one single perfect way to be a parent, nor can anyone be expected to respond the same way every time. Moms (and kids!) benefit from flexibility. The important thing is to have good intentions and try your best to be the mom you want to be to your kids.

Sources: Psychology Today, Healthline, WebMD, Parental Analytical Style Scale (PASS) via Psychology Today