It doesn’t matter if mom wants to admit it or not, the summer is coming to an end. While a lot of parents are usually happy at this time of year, there are some moms who may be struggling, and that is because their child is about to head off to school for the first time.

There is something bittersweet about sending your child off to school for the first time. You are happy that they are growing and proud of how far they have come, but you want them to remain your baby forever, and going to school is a sign that they are not your baby anymore.

However, this is a big deal for them too. It can be a scary experience to go off to school for the first time. If we look at it from their perspective, we can see how it can be a big change, and that can be overwhelming. This means that mom has to work to prepare her child for going off to school, and we have 10 ways to do that.

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Visit The Class

preschool morning routine
Credit: iStock

If this is an option in your area, try and bring your child in to visit their classroom before the first day of school. According to Scholastic, this is a great way to make sure your child at least knows a little about what to expect. If your child’s teacher is there, that may make it even better.


Amazon Prime Day Deals Baloray Lunch Bag tote 1
Credit: Baloray via Amazon

According to Parents, the best way to get your child to feel comfortable is to practice it. This means that in the week leading up to school, get them to practice. Practice getting ready, opening their lunch bag, or even taking the walk to school. This will get them into the routine and may make them feel more secure.

Compliment Them

Mom and Child Fair Fighting
Photo by Yan Krukov via Pexels

According to AHA! Parenting, this is the time to praise and compliment your child, but work with the teacher. If your child is very creative and loves coloring, and you know their teacher is Mrs. Smith, then tell them how you are sure that Mrs. Smith will love their pictures. Paint their teacher in a very positive light, and they won’t seem so scary.

Read Books

Best Books To Buy For International Children's Book Day
via Flickr/First Minister of Scotland

There are limitless resources out there that mom can use to her advantage, and there is nothing wrong with it. There are countless books out there about starting school, and now may be the time to add them to your child’s library. Read one every night leading up to the big day.

Talk To Them

A Mom And Her Child Eating From A Bowl Together
via Pexels / Kampus Productions

If your child is feeling extra nervous, talk to them about it. Ask them about what scares them, or what they are worried about, and then take the time to listen to what they say. You may be able to talk them through some of their fears and make them feel a bit more comfortable. Keep the line of communication open as the day nears.

Master The Skills


Your child doesn’t have to go into kindergarten knowing everything, but it may help them if they know at least the basics, so practice with them. You can go over their colors, numbers, and letters, and even get them to try and print their name. This may help them gain some confidence as they enter for the first time.

Think About Lunch Time

The USDA Is Updating The 'School Nutrition Standards' For Healthier Meals
via Pexels / Antoni Shkraba

If you are trying to think of ways you can keep encouraging your child while they are in school, plan some little notes to send in their lunches. These can be just post-it notes and a few words of love and encouragement, and let your child know you will be putting them in there.

Take Them Shopping

back to school shopping
Credit: iStock / artisteer

Back-to-school shopping can be fun for anyone, and if you take your child shopping with you, it can help get them excited about the big day. Let them pick out their backpack, lunch bag, and other accessories they need.


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Take your child to the park. This is the simplest piece of advice, and it may work, or it may not. Go to one in the area, and if you see any kids around your child’s age, ask their mom if they are starting school. You may be able to help your child make a friend who will be in their class, and it can make it all a little less scary.

The Day Before

girl cuddling stuffed toy & sleeping
Credit: iStock

There are some things that mom should do the day right before school starts. All of these things on this list can be done over time, but the day before should be spent going over exactly what will happen in school. Go through the day, what time you are dropping them off, what they are getting for lunch, and when you will pick them up. The more they know, the more comfortable they will be.

Sources: Scholastic, Parents, Aha! Parenting