A new survey has found that parents think that holiday shopping for their children can be harder than an Olympic sport. Christmas is here, and everyone is getting in the spirit and excited about having time off from work and school, spending time with family, and getting a lot of special gifts. The holidays may be joyful, but any parent can tell you that they can be a lot of work. Parents spend a lot of time trying to make sure the holidays are special for their children, and that means making sure that they have the perfect gifts for them.

This may not be as easy as some would think. According to Study Finds, a survey has found that 3 in 4 parents believe that holiday shopping is harder than an Olympic sport. This survey was done by OnePoll, on behalf of Spin Master, and it involved 2,000 parents of school-aged children.

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When the survey wanted to look at what the holidays were like for parents, they found that 76% think that finding the perfect gift for their child is the most stressful part of the holiday. This may be because 83% said that Christmas isn’t “real” until their child starts opening presents. It seems to be a highlight for a lot of parents.

They also found that the vast majority, 4 in 5, would feel incredibly guilty if their child opened a gift on Christmas morning that they did not like. With this being said, 86% said that they are pretty confident in their ability to pick out gifts that their children like. They state that they do this by keeping up to date on the trendy items, and what their child says that they are interested in and want. They also say that they do share this information with grandparents and other family members so that they get something that the child wants.

Parents will also take on some detective duties around the holiday season, and 56% will ask their child directly what they want for Christmas, while the rest will do so in a more discreet way, even 50% said that they would ask their child’s friends to make sure they get them the perfect gift. While getting presents may not be the true meaning behind the holiday, it is something that is important to children and their parents, and every parent wants to see their child’s face light up on Christmas morning.

Sources: Study Finds, OnePoll, Spin Master