As busy moms, 'me time' is a must, but it's really hard to actually find that time to be alone and decompress. 'Me time' isn't going to the store without kids and me time isn't watching TV at night when your kids are asleep. 'Me time' for moms is a complete, temporary escape from the responsibilities of motherhood where you can't be easily bothered. Mothers don't get enough time alone and enough time to actually rest. Moms are stressed and deserve a real break every once in a while.

It sounds like a fantasy, but as a mom, you need to take care of yourself, or you won't be able to care for your family. The saying goes that you can't pour from an empty cup and that is so true. Introverted moms may especially need to have 'me time' but no matter your personality type, you deserve and need to practice self-care. Pew Research Center states the one big change from the recent pandemic is that moms have been with their kids a lot more than in years past.

We all love our kids, but those beings depend on us for absolutely everything. It all takes a toll and mom 'me time' is essential. Here are 10 different 'me time' favorites that are all mom-approved and ones you need to try as soon as you can.

10 Mani/Pedi

Young woman with colorful manicure in beauty salon, closeup
Credit: iStock

This is a precious indulgence for most moms but if you can swing it financially and have a partner/friend/family member willing to stay with your kids, an afternoon at a nail salon can be all you need to decompress and get right back to mommying.

A facial, massage or a whole spa day is also a great option. Ask for these treatments as Christmas, birthday, or Mother's Day gifts.

9 Unplug

via Pexels/Pixabay

We live in a world filled with electronics and moms can find themselves just as addicted to phones and TV as their kids. When you are alone for a moment, put down your phone and unplug from the world.

Phones and social media may be adding more stress and distraction from your life than you realize.

8 Wake Up Earlier

via Pexes/Miriam Alonso

This may sound like torture to some, but it could be a new routine you learn to love. Staying up too late to be alone usually results in tough mornings and feeling groggy all day. Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier may be a safer bet.

If you wake up just 30 minutes before you usually do, and before the kids need to be up, you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the beautiful silence of the morning before your busy day starts.

7 Get Glam

woman with heavy makeup
Via Pexels: Pixabay

After having kids, a lot of women stop doing their hair and makeup like they did before kids. Lock yourself in your bedroom or bathroom, and give yourself an old-fashioned makeover and remember that you're still young and beautiful. Taking the time to do your hair and make up will make you feel superb.

6 Walking Outside

woman walking mom alone time
Via Pexels

We know walking doesn't sound exciting, but we underestimate the power of fresh air, movement, and general silence. Just a 10-minute walk can change your mood. Head outside alone and walk around your neighborhood without your kids. Do a few laps if you need and return home with a clearer head.

5 Library Visit

Parents books classroom wars
Via Pexels

We're sure you've taken your kids to the library for story time or to get them books, but when is the last time you perused the adult section alone? It's not relaxing or possible with kids, and for moms who love to read, a private trip to the library to get a book for leisure is a great alone time activity for moms. A local bookstore is also a great option.

RELATED: Moms Really Just Want 'Me Time' For Valentine's Day This Year, Finds Study

4 Grocery Pickup

via Unsplash / Markus Spiske

Hear us out on this one because it does involve a little fibbing, but it's a white lie. Tell the family you're going grocery shopping for a couple of hours, but instead do a pick-up order Head out an hour or two before you're supposed to pick up, and in that time, do what you want. Get some lunch, go see a movie, or anything, then go pick up your groceries and head home after a tiring trip to the store. This is a mom hack that was developed during the pandemic.

3 A New Hobby

Woman Knitting
Credit: Pexels

This is easier said than done, but for moms to have a hobby outside their home can be a life-changing experience you never knew you needed. Most recreation centers do offer classes for adults and there are adult rec sports leagues.

For moms who aren't athletic, there may also be community classes offered in your city, or free classes at the library that teach skills such as sewing. A personal hobby could be really rewarding and make you feel more like a human than just a mom.

2 Retail Therapy

woman shopping for bras

Check out some local shops and thrift stores for any unique finds, and see what there is around you. If you don't have the money, to do a lot of shopping, merely browsing can be fun too. There are so many little knickknacks and cute home decor that can give your home some self-care too.

1 Journaling

Child writing in journal

As moms, we can often forget the best of what we're experiencing, or not even express what we're feeling at all. Journaling can help you not only express yourself but process your thoughts and feelings. A pretty journal and your favorite pen is all you need for this activity.

Source: Pampered Post, Pew Research Center, Confidence Meets Parenting