Before motherhood, finding time to take a break from the day or unwind at night was easy to do. The time that women had was their own to enjoy as they pleased. As such, taking long, hot leisurely baths may have been the key to keeping from being overstimulated. Perhaps, it was getting a massage. Maybe it was grabbing coffee or lunch with friends.

But whatever those activities were, they did their job to allow women to recharge. That is more often than not unheard of after women become mothers. This is why those mothers who are prone to overstimulation easily need to find ways to cope so that they can become the mothers they want to be to their children.

When women become mothers, they put themselves last in everything. This is done because have so many needs that need to be met. As such, once the day has come to a close, women can feel completely drained.

And when this happens, if there is no way to fill up their emotional cups, women are going to suffer for it. Especially those who become overstimulated easily. Making it so very necessary to carve time out of the day for moms alone. That is not selfish to do but necessary to be the best mom possible to their kids.

RELATED: Moms, Are You Angry, Mad, Or Just Overstimulated? Know The Difference

Here are tips for moms who are overstimulated easily.

Stop Over-Scheduling Each Day Of The Week

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Many moms fall into the trap of over-scheduling every day of the week for themselves and their children. This is done all because moms want to give their kids all the opportunities in the world to discover what they love doing, all while trying to get the day-to-day tasks and errands done. It can get to the point where moms feel overstimulated before the day begins seeing how much needs to be done. That is a clear signal that dialing back what is put on the calendar is needed.

According to Parents, moms need to make priorities both things that need to get done and their time. There are only so many hours in the day. And if all of them are spent running around from one event to the next, not only is there not quality time spent with the family, but overstimulation will occur more often than not. And when this happens, according to the publication, moms run the risk of exploding in anger or suffering from mom burnout, neither of which mothers want to experience.

Dial Back Multitasking To A Minimum

multi-tasking working mom
Credit: iStock

The demands on moms are such that they feel like they have to split their attention between multiple tasks to get more accomplished throughout the day. But all of this creates stress. Something that moms who suffer from overstimulation do not need. As such, dialing back multitasking to a minimum, or not at all, is helpful for those who are trying to get a handle on their overstimulation.

According to Uplevel, studies have proven over and again that multitasking does not really make people more productive. Instead, it can lead to tasks not being done properly and even cause them to have to be redone. This means that even more time is being spent on trying to get things accomplished, upping the stress level when the whole point of multitasking was to lower it.

To bring an end to multitasking, according to the publication, setting time aside to do small tasks can bring about a feeling of great productivity. This means that by getting several things done in a certain period, moms feel accomplished. And because they were not having to focus on several things at once, overstimulation has not occurred.

If there are larger tasks that need to be done, then that is what should be focused on during the day, according to Uplevel. It may seem like everything needs to be done now but that is not the case. Slow it down, take one task at a time, and do not become overstimulated in the process. It is the best way to tackle tasks for most moms. Not just those on the verge of burnout.

Practice Self-Care

via Pexels/Taryn Elliott

When moms are on the verge of overstimulation, taking the proactive approach to taking some time for self-care can be all it takes for moms to recharge and be ready to tackle the rest of the day.

According to PsychCentral, ways to practice self-care when overstimulated include:

  • Taking slow, deep breaths
  • Lighting a lavender candle
  • Put a soothing essential oil in a diffuser
  • Play classical music
  • Get outside

Women may also want to consider getting a massage, taking a bath, or going to get a coffee alone. Whatever it is that brings women some "me time" that brings about relaxation, it is just the right thing for those who are overstimulated.

Have Time Scheduled To Have Silence

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a mom with finger over lips

Quiet time is an opportunity for moms to recenter themselves and decompress. When this happens, they stop overstimulation from occurring. And as a result, angry outbursts and mommy burnout are kept at bay.

According to Lafayette Mom, when trying to implement quiet time, moms may have to help kids understand why it is needed. Over time, however, kids will eventually understand why this time is so precious for overstimulated moms. And in the process give their moms time to read, draw, drink a cup of tea in peace, or whatever it is that keeps moms even keel. Something that benefits both moms and kids alike.

Turn Electronics Off

via Pexels/cottonbro

It does not matter how filtered social media sites are or what news channels are watched, there always seems to be something on them that can cause users to become more agitated after using them than they were before. This is why when moms are overstimulated, they should turn their electronics off. By doing so, they save themselves from this aggravation and bring themselves a bit of peace at the same time.

Source: Parents, Uplevel, PsychCentral, Lafayette Mom