Trick or Treat! It's my birthday, what did you get for me? If you have a child born on or near Halloween, you might be wondering how you can throw a birthday party that's not spooky, creepy, or scary. Many parents face this dilemma when they have children born on or near any holiday. Not to mention, a lot of children feel like they are getting "ripped off" having their birthday on or near a holiday. It might be a good idea to steer clear of holiday themes for that reason alone.

So, what should a parent do? The answer is simple. There is no rule that says parents have to trade their child's special day for a holiday-themed birthday. Parents should feel free to do whatever they would like for their children. It might be refreshing for others who are getting bogged down in fake spiders, costumes, and candy too.

Related:What To Do With Birthday Gifts Your Child Hates

10 Celebrate A Different Holiday

leaves kids

If a child's birthday is near Halloween, nobody is expecting a Valentine's Party or Easter Egg hunt. Parents could even decorate early for Christmas and have a tree-decorating party for their little one. Nothing like getting completely away from Halloween by celebrating with a Christmas cookie decorating contest. Check out DIY Inspired for some great ideas on that.

9 Mad Hatter Tea Party

mad hatter

A Mad Hatter Tea Party is a great theme with lots of fun possibilities. You can't make Halloween disappear, but you can travel down the rabbit hole and have a very merry unbirthday party. Everyone can come wearing a silly hat or their favorite hat, and go behind the looking glass for a fabulous time.

8 Visit A Corn Maze

corn maze

Taking advantage of the events going on near Halloween can make for a really exciting party. Head out to a corn maze. This is fun for all ages. Kids love corn mazes because they can run wild and play games in the maze. Make sure everyone dresses properly for the weather and has proper footwear.

7 Hot Chocolate Party


When the temp starts to drop, hot chocolate warms everyone up. Kids with birthdays near Halloween can have a fun day playing outside or at a park, and come back to a hot chocolate bar! Each gets a cup of hot chocolate, and then they can add to it. Candy canes, mini marshmallows, whip cream, or all three.

6 Minute To Win It

minute to win it

Minute to win it games are so much fun, and most of them only require things that are already in the home. Incorporate snacks and prizes and have a fun-filled afternoon. You can find a great list of different games for kids at Family Education.

5 Bobbing For Apples


'Tis the season to go apple picking. Whether the party starts at an apple orchard or parents do that with their child beforehand, bobbing for apples is a timeless tradition and lots of fun. Kids will have lots of laughs dunking their heads trying to get their teeth sunk into a delicious healthy apple.

4 Carmel Apple Party

carmel apple

Caramel apples are another great way to celebrate the season. And they are delicious! It's kind of like an ice cream sundae party, have friends come over to make and top their own caramel apples to enjoy. You can provide the toppings or have guests bring their favorites to share. Craftberry Bush has a great setup and plans to follow, to make it really easy.

3 Don't Let Them Eat Cake


A great thing about fall is all the yummy dessert foods you can't find any other time of the year. If you can, they just don't sound as good as they do in the fall. Consider leaving the traditional birthday cake behind in favor of fall-themed desserts. Here are just a few ideas including seasonal ingredients:

  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Apple Pie
  • Cran-Apple Crisp
  • Apple Cider Doughnuts
  • Pumpkin Cheesecake
  • Pecan Pie

2 Fall Scavenger Hunt

scavenger hunt

Go on a nature hike, to a park, or stay right in the backyard. Fall will have kids amazed by the variety of leaves, nuts, and acorns all over. Give each child a bag and a list of scavenger items, like this one from How to Nest for Less. Guests will have a great time running around outside in the crisp fall air looking for items. Parents might want to hide some special prizes around the search area to keep them motivated on the hunt. Then they can keep what they found and make a fall craft project.

1 Pumpkin Bowling


Just Paint It has a great DIY pumpkin bowling. This is a fun activity that can't really be done any other time of the year. Kids will have a great time. You could add more games to it, and have a carnival theme party too. Simple games like these from My Tuesday Therapy would be a great addition.

Sources: Family Education, Craftberry Bush, DIY Inspired, How to Nest for Less., Just Paint It, My Tuesday Therapy