For a birthday kindergartners will never forget, throw the party at the zoo! While it may seem like a bit of an out-of-pocket cost, it does not have to. Parents can ask other parents to pay for entry to the zoo or the birthday kiddo celebrating their fifth birthday can choose to invite fewer friends to get the cost down. After that, the fee is minimal depending on how big or small of a party parents want. Making throwing a birthday party at the zoo for kindergartners one of the easiest parties to throw overall.

One of the biggest benefits of a zoo party is that there is very little clean-up involved. This is because decorations are very few to non-existent. To boot, the fun factor is high, kids get to see some of their favorite animals in a habitat that resembles where they live in the wild and get to learn a bit about conservation as well. What more could be asked for from this population for a birthday?

RELATED: 10 Fun Birthday Party Ideas At The Park

Here is how to throw a birthday party at the zoo for kindergartners.

Schedule A Tour Behind The Scenes

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via Pexels/Ricardo Esquivel

A fun way to get to know some more about the animals at the zoo is to schedule a tour behind the scenes.

According to the Nashville Zoo, some of the things that those who go behind the scenes get to experience include:

  • Getting into the zoo early
  • Feeding the animals
  • Caring for animals
  • Petting animals not available to the public
  • How to conserve to save animals on the endangered list

By being up close to the animals, kids will get a better understanding of one or more animals they encounter. And that added interest may just make them the leaders of conservation in the future.

Bring A Picnic Lunch For The Party

The food at the zoo can be fairly costly. And for many kids, it is something they may not even really enjoy. Something that leads to a lot of waste. As such, pack a picnic and get the kids fueled up and ready to go for the afternoon portion of their day at the zoo.

According to Eat At Home, some tips for packing lunch at the zoo include:

  • Make sandwich wraps because they do not get soggy or smoosh like sandwiches
  • Do not pack things that can melt
  • Pack simple drinks like water and juice
  • Pack sweet sides like fruit
  • Pack savory sides like crackers, vegetables, or string cheese

By packing these delicious bites in the picnic basket kids will not only get full but be adequately fueled with healthy food to make it through the day with a birthday party at the zoo.

Visit The Cold Treat Cart For Dessert

via Pexels/Lukas

Taking cupcakes to the zoo for a birthday party is asking for them to be smashed before they are even eaten. As such, parents can take a trip to the cold treat cart after lunch for some frozen sweets.

With things like ice cream cones, popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, and more, there is something for all kindergartners to enjoy. And depending on the time of year of the party, the treats may be a welcome reprieve from the heat as well.

Take The Bus Around The Zoo

If kids look like they are starting to get a bit tired from walking, grab a ticket to take a bus ride around the zoo. Not only will it rest weary bodies but it will give a point of view of the zoo not seen by walking alone.

Bus rides around the zoo provide a guided tour of the entire park. How long the ride takes is dependent on the size of the zoo. But, to give an indication, the San Diego Zoo states their bus tour takes approximately 35 minutes. That is plenty of time to refresh, regroup, and decide what else needs to be seen for the remainder of the birthday party day at the zoo.

Feed Animals At The Zoo

via Unsplash/Jackie Park

A fun experience at the zoo is feeding the animals. And because both domestic and wild animals can be fed, there are options for kids when they choose to give animals their daily treats.

Most zoos have a petting zoo where kids can feed anything from goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, ponies, calves, and more. But there are also options at some zoos to feed the wild animals. Something that is an awe-inspiring experience when feeding something as tall as a giraffe or as large as an elephant.

Regardless of which animals are fed, animal lovers will love every minute of being up close and personal with the furry creatures.

Let Kids Choose A Small Trinket At The Zoo Store

A way to help memorialize the day at the zoo is to let party-goers pick out a trinket at the zoo store before leaving the park for the day.

There is no doubt that things like stuffed animals, shirts, or larger items can be expensive at the zoo store. But, things like keychains, cups with kids' names on them, or even smaller plushes are not poorly priced. Making for a fun and different type of party favor to wind up a perfect kindergarten birthday party at the zoo.

Source: Nashville Zoo, Eat At Home, San Diego Zoo