If there is anything that moms know too well, it is that time is fleeting. Time always seems to go by so quickly, and before they know it, summer will be gone. Mom will be getting her children ready for school, it will be time to pack lunches again, and brace for the long, cold winter ahead.

This means that mom may feel a lot of pressure to make sure that summer is a time of family fun, and building memories. However, how does she do that? It all seems to go by in such a blur, that it can feel impossible to solidify anything into something her children will remember forever.

If mom is looking for some ways to create lasting memories for her children, and herself, we have 10 of them. From fun activities, traditions and ways to make them memories freeze in time, there is something on this list for everyone.

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10 Talk About It After …

According to The Washington Post, the more we talk about things, the better we remember them. They get moved and stored into a part of our brain that keeps them safe. This means that whatever you are doing this summer, talk about it. Talk about it over the dinner table, or when on family walks and remember how fun it was.

9 … And As It Is Happening

There has also been research that has shown that if we talk about things as they are happening, it can help cement them in our brain. This is called “running commentary,” and when you are doing something fun with your family, talk about what you are doing, and what you are seeing.

8 Think About The Activities

If you want to remember some great memories, make sure the activities you are doing are things that will last. According to Calgary’s Child, an activity like gardening is a great one that will create memories that will last a while. That is because everyone can also look at the garden and remember it. It is a physical reminder of what you did, and it is also great for their mental health.

7 It’s About The Little Things

According to Timewell, when people sit and think about memories from their childhood, they often remember the small things and not the big, grandiose moments. This can tell us that we need to focus on the small things in the moments because those are what will be remembered years later.

6 Do It Again

The best way to memorize something is to do it over, and over again. It is how we studied for tests when we were younger, and it can be a way to make sure we are building memories. If you took your kids to the beach and had the best day ever, do it again. Plan another trip before the summer is over.

5 Use The Senses

When you are having fun this summer, find ways to involve all the senses that your body has. Smell the roses, taste something (edible), and touch as much as you are able to. If you are at the beach, spend some time listening to the water, or your children playing. The more senses you use, the better you will be able to recall it later.

4 Turn It Traditional

It is never too early to start family traditions, and this can be a great way to make sure your children look back on their childhood summers with fondness. If you have decided to take your children camping this year, and you have the time of your lives, make it a tradition. Go camping every year, and they will definitely grow up with a basket of memories.

3 Everyone Loves A Souvenir

Everyone loves souvenirs, and when families go on vacation, or they just go to the museum for the day, they love to check out the gift shop. Consider bringing something home with the family. It doesn’t have to be something big, just something you will look at and remember your day.

2 A Free Souvenir Is Better

A souvenir is so important that it has two parts, and that is because a souvenir doesn’t have to be something you pay for. If you spend a day at the beach, collect some shells or sand to put in a glass jar or frame. If you go on a hike, maybe you will find a bird feather, or something else memorable to bring home.

1 Scrapbooking

As soon as your children get home from their vacation, or day of fun, have them draw some pictures. They could even write some stories, or journal entries, about what they did and how they enjoyed it. You can take all of these wonderful things they create and turn it into a fun scrapbook, with pictures and other mementos.

Sources: The Washington Post, Calgary’s Child, Timewell