There is no exact science on the difference between boy moms and girl moms, or is there? Aside from the fact that boy moms have only boys, and girl moms have only girls, there are some other key differences. A lot of people might be thinking about the frustration level of a boy mom trying to shop for her son[s] when 90% of the kids department is devoted to girls. It's more than that, though, too.

No, this isn't about sexism or stereotypes. Motherhood shapes moms. It can be in the ways they act, or think. Moms of boys and moms of girls don't necessarily have major differences; there are definitely a few things that are unique to each though.

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How (Some) Mothers View Their Daughters

Girl Moms

Not all moms of girls are this way, but according to a large survey done by Netmums, mothers are more critical of their daughters. That is true for mothers of all girls and mothers of both. Daughters are often a direct reflection of the mother.

Moms sometimes try to make up for their own mistakes through their daughters, or expect them to be how they were at that age.

Crissy Duff, a psychotherapeutic counselor, says that women in particular seem to carry the feelings of parental disapproval and negativity into their adulthood. This could explain why women are more self-critical than men, who seem to have an easier time moving on from mistakes.

How (Some) Mothers View Their Sons

boy mom

Moms of boys, on the other hand, tend to spoil, coddle, and let a lot more slide when it comes to their sons. Mothers and their sons have a very special kind of bond. No matter who says otherwise, at some point, all men compare their partner to their mother. It could be good, bad, or indifferent.

A comparison in cooking, for example, or what their mother would have done in a situation when they were young.

Some call them, "mama's boys" but some research shows, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Kate Stone Lombardi, author of The Mama's Boy Myth, says, mothers who keep their sons close are making them stronger. What does that mean?

  • It boosts positive behavior
  • They perform better in school
  • They have a positive mental health outlook
  • They make and sustain more solid relationships
  • They have the ability to articulate their emotions

Are Moms Of Girls Happier Than Moms Of Boys?


Moms who have girls are much happier than those with boys, particularly when the children reach early adulthood, according to a study from the Journal of Family Issues. However, a survey done by Gallup says:

  • 54% of Americans say boys are easier to raise than girls.
  • 27% say girls are easier to raise than boys.
  • Since 1947, Americans have consistently said boys are/were easier to raise.

So what is it that makes moms of girls happier? The research behind the study states that the "happiness" resides in just being with the same sex. It has nothing to do with actual sons and daughters.

How (Some) Moms Talk To Their Daughters


A study from The British Journal of Developmental Psychology says, mothers are more likely to use emotional words and emotional content when speaking with their daughters than with their sons.

What's more, since mothers do tend to use more "emotional" language than fathers do, they are often unknowingly perpetuating gender stereotypes in their children. On the plus side, though, it may be why women tend to have a higher emotional intelligence than men.

Studies have shown children imitate same-gendered role models more than they do the opposite gender. Dr. Harriet Tenebaum surmises that due to this factor, children are taught that emotions are more acceptable for women than men.

The Bottom Line With All Of This

super mom

Motherhood is hard. One boy or ten girls, it's really no different, it's all hard. Of course, there are many stereotypes that could be listed:

  • Boy moms are used to destructive play
  • Girl moms care more about what they wear
  • Boy moms hear farting and farting jokes all day
  • Girl moms are more rigid
  • Boy moms are more easy going
  • Girl moms are more involved

None of that is factual information. Girls can be just as messy and loud as boys. Also, it's ok if boys play with dolls or like the color pink. Moms might want to take a moment and sit down to think about their own stereotypes, and those that society has imposed on everyone.

Children learn from their parents how to act. They learn that, "Boys don't wear pink" and "Girls don't play in the mud." Parents can change this if they choose to. Ultimately, the job of a parent is to raise decent humans who are happy, healthy, kind, and loving individuals. How they do that varies from child to child.

Parenting is not fundamentally different between a boy mom and a girl mom.

Sources: Netmums, Crissy Duff, Journal of Family Issues, Gallup, University of Washington, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Dr. Harriet Tenebaum