- education Information and support for moms and parents to help them lead their best life and raise successful, healthy kids. Tue, 15 Nov 2022 16:00:13 GMT en-US hourly 60 <![CDATA[Pros & Cons Of Participation Trophies]]> A lot of moms know that their children should be in sports or activities. There are many benefits to having your child participate in an activity outside of school. It is a chance for them to get more physical activity, they get to meet new friends, and it helps them learn about winning, losing, and being part of a team.

Tue, 15 Nov 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Simple & Subtle Ways To Teach Math To Toddlers ]]> Toddlers are in such a great stage of development, and they are often seen as sponges, and that is because they soak up everything around them. They are eager to learn about the world, and how it works, and they rely on their parents to teach them.

Sat, 12 Nov 2022 18:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Why Is Teaching In Physical Health Failing? We May Know]]> When it comes to the health of children, it is the priority of every parent, teacher and doctor out there. The goal is to make sure that children grow up healthy and well, and this is in every aspect of the term “health.” This means that there is a lot of focus on mental health, emotional health and physical health.

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 18:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Clues Teens Found Their Career Path]]> With increasing autonomy comes increasing responsibility. Teenagers have always been under great pressure to have it all figured out by age seventeen when they're applying to college. Remember when you were seventeen - you probably thought you knew everything. We all did at that age! In retrospect, it's crystal clear that we didn't have the slightest clue.

Tue, 08 Nov 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[How Phonological Awareness Can Determine A Child's Ability To Read]]> Learning how to read is an enormous milestone in a young child's life. For parents, the process can feel daunting and disorienting. Just when you feel like you're getting the hang of parenting, you're suddenly tasked with becoming a defacto teacher. Luckily, there are many apps, games, toys, and other resources available to the modern child to assist with the learning process. Parents might have some difficult questions regarding this literary journey, such as:

Mon, 07 Nov 2022 17:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[How To Know If Your Child’s Preschool Is Meeting Their Needs]]> When it comes to choosing a preschool for a child who is three or four years of age, it can be a stressful situation. On one hand, getting kids socialized and used to a classroom setting is necessary so that they are prepared and confident preschoolers when they go to kindergarten.

Sun, 30 Oct 2022 14:01:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Believe Their Child's Toys Are Their Best Teachers]]> A new survey was done that shows that parents really believe that their child’s toys are their best teachers. It is already well known that children learn through play. When they are young, they learn through interacting with the surrounding items, and from playing with others.

Sat, 29 Oct 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Tips For Helping Children Improve Their Handwriting]]> Every mom, dad, and guardian wants their children to succeed in school. They want them to do well, get good grades and focus on this journey they are on that will help them for the rest of their lives. While children learn a lot in school, one of the foundations of success is being able to write well.

Sat, 29 Oct 2022 15:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Phonics Games To Make Reading Fun]]> Phonics is the relationship between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. As kids understand phonics, they are able to sound out words and begin to read and write. It's a critical skill for your early reader and takes time to build upon.

Wed, 26 Oct 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Parenting Styles: Concerted Cultivation & The Accomplishment Of Natural Growth]]> When people think of parenting styles, they typically think of things like overprotective, demanding, gentle, and so on. However, there are a lot of different parenting styles out there and combinations of parenting styles that make up different parenting styles. When you dig deeper into what is on the surface of parenting is where you find styles like concerted cultivation & the accomplishment of natural growth.

Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[With These Tips Homework Can Be Easier & Done Faster]]> School is important for child development, and it is about much more than just learning how to read and do math. School is a place where children learn important social skills, and these will carry with them for the rest of their lives, but, all of this does not mean that children will love school.

Sun, 16 Oct 2022 15:30:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Thinking About Thinking Will Benefit Kids, Here’s How]]> The art of thinking about thinking is something that most people do on a daily basis, according to the Child Mind Institute. It is known as metacognition. When kids participate in metacognition, there are several benefits they gain from doing so. This is because, according to Resilient Educator, metacognition helps kids to "understand how they learn best." When kids can grasp this concept and can recognize the best way to learn and study for them, they are better able to retain information. Most importantly though, the art of resilience is discovered. And learning to be resilient is something that will benefit kids not only when young but when they age as well.

Sat, 15 Oct 2022 15:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Empowering The Child Who Learns Differently]]> When children learn in ways that are outside the realm of typical, it can cause them trouble in school and even lead to the diagnosis of a learning disability. While it is an additional challenge, there are many ways to overcome the difficulties of learning differently. When kids are diagnosed with either a learning disability or ADHD, it's normal to worry about how this will affect them as they grow. Parents can empower their children who learn differently by learning themselves about what their child needs in order to succeed in school.

Sat, 15 Oct 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Tips For Helping Your Child With ADHD Drive Safely]]> The thought of a teenager driving is pretty nerve-wracking as it is, adding in ADHD might make parents even more nervous. Not that there is anything 'wrong' with them, parents just might need to watch for symptoms that could cause distracted or impulsive driving.

Fri, 14 Oct 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Children's Special Skill Prevents Them From Falling Into This "Learning Trap"]]> A new study has found that children are able to avoid falling into a “learning trap” that is often felt in adults. Children are always learning. They spend almost every moment of their day learning, even if they don’t realize it. They are learning through interactive play, creative play, and sensory play. They are even learning while sitting and looking through a book.

Tue, 11 Oct 2022 11:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Increasing School Security Leads To Lower Grades In Kids]]> A new study has found that increased security in schools may be leading to lower grades, as students find it hard to concentrate. School is somewhere children spend most of their time, and it is important that it is a safe space for them. However, schools are just as vulnerable to violent events, and this has been shown through recent tragedies.

Thu, 06 Oct 2022 13:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Preparing Kids To Pass Tests When Distraction & Anxiety Overcome Them]]> The number of kids who suffer from anxiety is staggering. While a little anxiety is normal, too much can be debilitating. One form that fits this bill is test anxiety. Something that according to the National Library of Medicine, 25 to 40 percent of American kids suffer from it. Couple test anxiety with being distracted, and it can be a recipe for test-taking disaster. This does not mean that kids who have anxiety cannot find ways to overcome it, however. In fact, with their parents' help, tools can be developed to prepare kids to pass tests when distraction and anxiety overcome them.

Sun, 02 Oct 2022 14:01:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Youths In Child Welfare System Lack Access & Education On Birth Control]]> A new study has found that youths in the child welfare system lack education and access to birth control, and this can be a large problem right now with the current climate in the US about reproductive rights. There are a lot of children and youth right now that are living in conditions that are not considered “ideal.”

Sun, 02 Oct 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Kids Who Start Kindergarten A Year Later May Benefit In Several Ways, Here’s How]]> When kids have birthdays on or before September 1, they are automatically enrolled in kindergarten at the age of five. For some kids, this proves to be a perfect choice. They are ready both mentally and emotionally to be in a school setting and learn in kindergarten. But for some, they are not quite mature enough to be in the classroom environment. Because of this, the concept of redshirting and its positives may become a topic of conversation. And for those kids, starting kindergarten a year later may benefit them in several ways.

Sat, 01 Oct 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Planning For College Starts Freshman Year Of High School]]> Once teens make the transition from middle school into high school, things begin to get real. While it is still a place to have fun and be social, high school is the time when the resume for college is developed. Something that can start as early as freshman year. Gone are the days of the first year of high school being a "throw away year." Higher education has become so competitive that grades are counting more than ever. Extracurricular activities that are interest-based or sports-related count when it comes to getting into college or not. And while this can be stressful, it does not have to be. Especially if planning for college starts freshman year of high school.

Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Think Teachers Helped Shape Who They Are Now]]> A new survey has found that the majority of parents feel like their teachers helped to shape who they are now as adults. It is easy to say that teachers are a vital part of our child’s lives. Our children spend a lot of time with their teachers, they learn and grow, and they can be a trusted source that your child can go to.

Tue, 27 Sep 2022 11:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Children Don't Know How To Call 911]]> A new review has found that more than 90% of children do not know how to call 911 if they should need it. There are always things that moms have to teach their children, and they know that it is their job to make sure that their children have all the tools that they need. While mom hopes they never have to use it, they know that their child should know how to call emergency services.

Mon, 26 Sep 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Daily Preschool Activities]]> Following a routine is good for people of all ages, including preschoolers. What moms should know is that there are plenty of simple activities that can keep a preschooler busy, and some of those activities are ones that should be done every day.

Fri, 23 Sep 2022 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Ways To Support Your Emerging Reader ]]> A child just learning to read is on the cusp of a brand-new adventure. As their mom, you want to be there to support them and help them in every way possible. This is an exciting time for you too. Learning how to read is such a milestone and is truly the foundation of all education. Children learn to read at all ages and as long as your child gets there at their own pace, they're doing well.

Fri, 02 Sep 2022 12:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA["Stable" Family Environments Help Kids Do Better Academically]]> A study has found that children who live in “stable” families do better in school. School is essential for the healthy growth and development of children. It is not just a place to learn academically, but socially, and children can really find their place in school with their peers and colleagues.

Wed, 31 Aug 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Listening To Music While Studying Could Improve GPA]]> A survey has found that listening to music while studying can improve a student’s GPA. Grades are very important to students, and their parents, as they know that they can open the doors for a future of opportunities. Good grades in high school can lead to a good college, good grades in college can lead to a career that is fulfilling and rewarding.

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[A Bigger Vocabulary Helps Kids Succeed]]> A new study has found that a bigger vocabulary helps children succeed. Education has always been important for children, and a big part of that is language and literacy. Parents know that their children need to learn how to speak, read and write, and a basic vocabulary is the foundation of all those skills.

Wed, 24 Aug 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Kids Who Read Paper Books Are Better Readers]]> A new study has found that children who read paper books over digital books may be better readers, and may perform better in school. Reading is an important skill, and it is one that every parent wants their child to excel in. They read with them every night, and build their library at home in the hopes that they will become avid readers when they are older.

Thu, 04 Aug 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[When Children Can't Concentrate, They Get Creative ]]> A new study has found that when children have trouble concentrating, they will turn to their creative skills. Child development is such an intricate process, and despite the mounds of information the world already knows, there is always more to learn. Studies are constantly being done to look at what happens in a child’s brain, and how they work around it.

Sat, 30 Jul 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Voluntary Imagination Helps Kids Learn Language]]> A new study has found that “voluntary imagination” helps children learn language, and this could be even more important for children who seem to have challenges when it comes to language and communication. The ability to speak is very important for child development, but it doesn’t come easy for every child.

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Children's Head Injuries Linked To Learning Difficulties]]> A new study has found that head injuries in children can lead to learning difficulties. No parent wants their children to be injured, in any way. However, life happens, and this means that children are vulnerable to all sorts of injuries. Children are exploring the world around them, and they also may lack the protective nature that adults have, and this makes them vulnerable to different accidents. They could occur at home, at school or on the playground, and they need to be taken seriously.

Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Americans Believe Gaming Should Be A Career Therefore Taught In Schools]]> Americans believe gaming should be a career and therefore taught in schools, a new survey has found. The majority of those polled in the survey felt that the earlier that kids were able to start their video game skills, the better off they were. And not only should gaming be looked at as a future career, according to Study Finds, but as an extracurricular activity with teams and leagues playing video games. Which shows just how interwoven gaming has become for so many in their daily lives.

Wed, 06 Jul 2022 12:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[App Designed For Children To "Boost" Their Motor Skills]]> A new app has been designed that has been shown to help preschoolers and children develop their motor skills. When we think of child development, it can be overwhelming. Children are developing at a rapid rate, and quicker than they will for the rest of their lives and this means that work is always being done to see how this development happens, and what can help (or hinder) it. When we think of motor skills, we think that they are something that just happens, but children need to work at it. They need to develop both their fine and gross motor skills and research is being done to see what can help them.

Sat, 18 Jun 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Kids' Sharing Behavior Connected To Counting Skills]]> A new study has found that sharing behavior in children may be connected to their counting skills, and these two things do not seem to go together. Child development is a complex thing, and there are so many things that we continue to not know. Experts and researchers are always looking into the behavior of children to try and see why they think the way they do, and what motivates them to act the way they do. These studies are helpful to parents because they can often be the only “guide” they have when it comes to raising children.

Tue, 10 May 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Success In English Classes May Be Pushing Girls Away From STEM Careers]]> A new study has found that success in early English classes may be pushing girls away from careers in STEM. When children are young, the world appears to be their oyster, and they have endless opportunities ahead of them. We are always telling our children that they can do anything that they set their mind to as long as they work hard and are passionate enough. However, there always seems to be trends that youth follow when it comes to choosing careers, and STEM has been incredibly popular for youth all over the country.

Fri, 29 Apr 2022 13:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Gender-Identity Lessons Have Some Parents Worried]]> Gender identity lessons have some parents worried. This comes as parents of first-grade students in New Jersey were informed that their children will be learning about gender identity as part of the overhauled sex education curriculum being taught. Something that the New Jersey Board of Education is considering as part of the sex education curriculum with more conversations about being transgendered popping up across the nation.

Sat, 16 Apr 2022 14:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Virtual Cooking Classes Improves Child's Nutritional Knowledge]]> A new study has shown that virtual cooking classes may help to improve a child’s understanding of nutrition. When it comes to nutrition, it is very important to a lot of parents that their children are on the right path. That they have an understanding of what it means to prepare healthy meals and how important it is for their body and well-being. That it benefits their health, both physical and mental, and that this is a life skill that they are taking with them. It also wouldn’t hurt if our children grew up with a basic understanding of cooking and how to make healthy meals.

Thu, 14 Apr 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA["Disadvantaged" Kids Have Reading Impairment Due To School Closures]]>

A new study has found that school closures led to reading impairment in students that were listed as “disadvantaged.” The COVID-19 pandemic has just hit its two-year anniversary, and the impact it has had goes well beyond the health of individuals. It has impacted almost every aspect of life, especially for young children. One of the biggest hurdles that they had to face was the closure of in-person school and the move to virtual learning. While some thrived with online learning, other struggles and studies are being done to look at just what the impact was, and how the effects can be reversed.According to Medical Xpress, a new study has found that school closures led to reading impairment in disadvantaged children. The study was done by Yale University, and it can be read in full here. It is adding yet another problem that educators and parents must now work to resolve.RELATED: Pandemic Brought Love Of Reading Back To KidsThe researchers found that prolonged school closures led to a significant loss in reading abilities in children who are already at risk due to being disadvantaged. The biggest impact was on children who are often found to be dyslexic, and that is about 20% of the population.While this may seem alarming and may have some parents worried, the researchers also found a possible solution. They found that intensive, evidence-based intervention will most likely be beneficial at reversing the negative effects of school closures.To complete the study, researchers look at children from a charter school in grades 1 to 4. They followed them over three summers, which is equivalent to about 6 months of school time. This is about the same amount of time that students have missed school during the pandemic.

Sat, 19 Mar 2022 11:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Only Half Of Adolescents Receive Adequate Sex Ed]]>

A new study has found that only half of the adolescents in the US are receiving “adequate” sex ed. Sexual education is important for all youth, even though it can be a tough conversation. Parents may know that this conversation is important, but they have a hard time sitting down with their children and speaking about it. This means that a lot of them can rely on the school system to properly inform and educate students on safe sex, STIs, and reproductive health. This information is vital to preventing teen pregnancies and protecting the health of youth, and parents want to be assured their children are receiving that.According to PsyPost, some parents may be shocked to hear that based on a survey, only half of the students in the US are getting sex ed that is considered “adequate.” This study was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: Children Receiving Less Sex ED Than 25 Years AgoWhat they mean by adequate in this study is that it meets the minimum standards according to the national public health goals. The study also found that youth of color were less likely than White students to learn about safe sex topics.Previous studies have already shown that proper sex ed will help students understand consent, reduce abusive behavior, and will cause a lower risk of STIs or unwanted pregnancy. With that being known, we can see how important it is for youth to have these lessons and teachings.To conduct this study, researchers looked at data from two cycles of the National Survey of Family Growth, which is a household survey that is done. They focused on the answers from participants who were between the ages of 15 and 19 years old. This ended up being over 7,000 youth.

Wed, 16 Mar 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Kids May "Instinctively" Know How To Do Division]]>

A new study has found that children may instinctively know how to complete division in math, and this may come as a bit of a surprise. School is incredibly important to children and their parents all across the country. While every student is going to have courses and subjects that they prefer and do better in, math has always been a harder subject for a lot of students. Math is one of those subjects that can appear difficult for most, and it is not just the students who have a hard time, parents can also struggle with helping their children with their homework.However, it turns out that some math may come naturally without us even knowing. According to Medical Xpress, children may “instinctively” know how to do division. This was shown through a study that was published in the journal, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: "Redefining" Stress Is Helping Students Cope With Math ExamsThe study showed that children may have arithmetic abilities before they even start school and learning more about this instinct could change how students are taught math and division. The study is based on something called the approximate number system (ANS), and this is a theory that everyone from an early age has the ability to compare and estimate large sets of objects.This may seem a bit confusing, but to give you an example, a child would be able to look at two pictures and know that 20 dots on a paper is more than 4 dots on paper. This would be done automatically, without any formal teaching on counting or calculations. As a child grows, the gap could get smaller, so they would then be able to just look at a picture and know that 20 dots are more than 17 dots, for example.

Tue, 15 Mar 2022 11:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Unique Kid Sensory Box Ideas]]> Sensory bins and boxes are wonderful learning tools for kids from toddler age and up. The problem is, is that most of the ideas for sensory play have been done so many times that kids lose interest in doing them. As such, to renew the interest in learning with all the senses via sensory play, coming up with fresh sensory box ideas for kids who are over the typical ones is in order to continue to develop skills and cognitive function.

Thu, 10 Mar 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA["Cultural" Field Trips Improve Students Grades, Study Finds]]>

A new study has found that students perform better in school if they go on more cultural field trips. School is important for children and parents everywhere, and there are a lot who take the education of youth very seriously. Parents want their children to succeed, and a lot of children want to do well in school. This means that we are always looking for ways to help students achieve their best and make sure that they have the best education out there. However, sometimes the things that help can come from the most unlikely source, like field trips.According to PHYS, a study has found that sending children on “culturally enriching” field trips can help them do better in school. The study was done by Brigham Young University, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: Why You Should Take Your Kids On A Field Trip While Virtual LearningField trips have always been seen as fun for students, and they look forward to their chance to get out of the classroom and go somewhere fun. However, they can also be difficult for teachers to plan, because they need to make sure that there is learning and value involved. Some have argued about the worth of field trips, and whether they are worth a student missing a whole day out of school.There has been a notable decrease in the number of field trips, both due to the pandemic and before, but this new study is showing the true value of field trips, especially when they are considered ‘cultural.’ Examples of this type of field trip would be to the museum or art gallery. The study found that students who went on multiple field trips a year had higher test scores, performed better in class, and had an increased cultural conscientiousness over time when compared to students who did not go on as many field trips.

Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Experts Tips For Students Who Can't Seem To Focus]]> The ability to focus is something that is important for a child, however, it is often development. The subject of child development is so vast and complex that individuals study it for years to become an “expert,” and even then, they have to continue learning for the remainder of their careers. That is because studies and research are always evolving and growing, and the world is learning more and more about this subject. This is also why parents should not feel too bad when they don’t seem to have all the answers.

Sat, 26 Feb 2022 13:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Lonely Tweens May Suffer More Academically]]>

A study has found that lonely preteens and teenagers are at a higher risk of poor educational outcomes. Being a preteen and a teenager can be difficult, and this is something that can be taken for granted by adults. Adults can look at the younger generations and think that they have nothing to be stressed about yet, or they say things like, ‘just wait until you are an adult.’ However, this age group is going through a distinct stage of development, and they are trying to navigate how to be an independent person. Even though they may appear to have a robust social life, they could also be dealing with some loneliness.According to Medical Xpress, a study was done that shows that lonely teenagers are at a greater risk of poor educational outcomes. School is always important, but it may be even more so for this age group who are starting to think about college and their future careers.RELATED: Why Teens Suffer From High School Burnout & How To Help Them CopeThis study was done by King’s College London, and it can be read in full here. The study found that those who experienced loneliness when they were 12 years old were more likely to leave school with lower grades than those who did not experience loneliness.That was not all they found. They also found that those who experienced loneliness were also more likely to have more negative outcomes in life. They were more likely to struggle with their mental health, increased risk of self-harm, compulsive video game use, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. This can set them up to struggle later in life if interventions are not put in place to help them.To complete the study, they looked at 2232 participants that were recruited for another study that was aimed at looking at a wide variety of outcomes when they reached age 18.

Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[The SATs Are Changing, Hoping To Make It "Easier"]]>

The SATs are changing, and there are some things that parents should know if they have a teenager who is about to take the test. The SATs are almost a rite of passage for youth in the US, and there is a lot of pressure placed on them to do well on this test so that they can get into a good college, and succeed with the rest of their lives. This pressure can impact their mental health and could make them do poorly on the test that they have been studying so hard for. With parents wanting to make sure that their children are as calm as possible, and that they are able to do well, they may have been looking for some changes to be made.According to Today and Forbes, there are changes coming to the SATs, and there are some key things that parents and youth should be aware of. These changes were announced by the College Board, and they will take place for high school students in 2023 and 2024.RELATED: No SATs Means More College ApplicantsPriscilla Rodriguez is the company’s Vice President of College Readiness Assessments, and she stated that the test will be easier to take, easier to administer, more secure, and more relevant to students.

Sun, 06 Feb 2022 12:00:23 GMT
<![CDATA[Sleep Routines Help Children Succeed At School]]>

A new study has found that sleep routines for children can help them succeed at school. For a lot of parents out there, school is very important, and they want their child to excel at school. They see school as a gateway for the rest of their lives, and this means academically and socially. However, doing well at school is about a lot more than just studying often and completing all of your assignments on time. It is important to look at a child’s whole environment when it comes to how they will perform in school, and sleep continues to be a big part of it.Sleep is vital for a child’s growth and development, and we know that a child who does not get enough sleep can have a hard time focusing in class. According to Medical Xpress, this is being confirmed again by a recent study that found that having a solid sleep routine can help children do well in school.RELATED: Later School Start Time Can Prevent Sleep Deprivation In ParentsThis study was done by the University of South Australia, and it can be read in full here. Dr. Stephanie Centofanti and Dr. Alex Agostini were the lead researchers on the study, and they stated that it is important that children have a solid sleep routine, and if they don’t yet, now may be the time to implement one.They said that it can take a while for a new sleep routine to really take hold, so it is best to start now. They also highlighted the importance of this after holidays and summer breaks. These are times when children’s sleep is typically thrown off, but it is important to get it back on track as soon as possible. They also offered their advice on how to do this, and the best way to do it is to go slow. Push their bedtime forward slowly each night, by just 5 or 10 minutes, until you get it to a time that is appropriate.

Sat, 05 Feb 2022 12:02:29 GMT
<![CDATA[Encourage Teens To Decide Their High School]]> It would be nice if our children would stay small all of their lives, and while toddlers, preschoolers, and children have their own challenges, preteens and teenagers are a whole other ball game. Understandably, teenagers can be a tricky specimen, but that is because they are in such a unique stage of development. They are trying to navigate a busy life, with work, school, and social life. They are dealing with physical and hormonal changes in their body, and they are trying to find their own identity, away from their parents.

Wed, 02 Feb 2022 15:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Importance Of Black History Month For Kids]]> Black History Month is celebrated every February and is when America recognizes and celebrates the history of Black Americans in this country as well as their achievements in the face of adversity. In US history, Black Americans are by and large descendants of slaves who were brought to what was then called the New World. Africans were kidnapped from their home continent of Africa in order to live a life of slavery for European settlers.

Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:00:31 GMT
<![CDATA[The History Of Valentine's Day For Kids]]> The month of love is upon us, and while not everyone sees this as a holiday, there are a lot that take this time to tell the people in their lives that they love them. That is Valentine’s Day, and it is something that is celebrated all across the world. It is also something that happens in schools, as children share valentine’s day cards and treats, and there are bound to be a lot of activities in class. Activities that involve drawing hearts, writing poetry and painting cupids, but a lot of this is done automatically without much thought to what this day really means.

Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:00:24 GMT
<![CDATA[Trade Schools Instead Of College For Teens]]> Many generations have been told that college is the answer and the only way to make a living and get a good job, but for many teenagers, trade schools offer specialized technical training in one subject. Trade schools give graduates of their program certification for a much lower cost than college, and also great opportunities for employment after graduation. We live in a society that values a college degree and education more than a learned skill and that shouldn't be the case.

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 17:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Montessori Education: Pros & Cons]]> The options when it comes to schooling for children now is so much more than it was in the past. While some may see this as a good thing, this also means that parents can be at a loss for what is best for their child. Sometimes, having too many choices can be worse than not enough, and it can be a hard job to navigate the options and decide which one is going to be best for your child. Parents want their child to excel at school and succeed, and this means that it is important to find an environment that your child will thrive in.

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[What To Expect At A Private School Interview]]> When it comes to a child’s education, parents take it very seriously, and they want to make sure that their child excels in school because they believe that this sets the foundation for a successful future. However, much like everything in parenting, this is not always easy. When it comes to school, some children thrive and some can struggle, and it is important to figure out what is, or is not, working to make sure that a child can succeed. A part of this may be looking at the type of school your child is in and deciding if that is the right environment for him.

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 13:00:15 GMT
<![CDATA[Pandemic School Closures Mean More Than Just "Bad Grades"]]> A new report is showing that pandemic school closures mean a lot more than just bad grades. The last two years have been hard for students everywhere. They have had to switch learning modules constantly, and have had to go from in-person learning to virtual. While some students thrived with online learning, that was seldom the majority. Students had a hard time focusing on virtual learning, and without their teacher there to help guide them, some may have seen their grades sink. This may be concerning for parents, who want to make sure that their children learning everything that they should be.

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 12:00:27 GMT
<![CDATA["Redefining" Stress Is Helping Students Cope With Math Exams]]>

A new study is showing that redefining the meaning of stress could be the key to helping students do better in school, specifically on math exams. School is always going to be a stressful time for students, and this stress may increase as a child gets older. When a teenager is in high school, they start to worry about their college applications and a lot of this weighs on the types of grades they get. While every student has their own strengths and weaknesses, subjects like math continue to be one that is often struggled with, and overwhelming stress can make it even harder for students to do their best.According to PsyPost, a study is showing that redefining stress, when used as a coping tool, can improve a student’s performance on math exams. This study was published in the journal, Social Psychological and Personality Science, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: Making Math Fun For Kids For Parents Who've Lost Hope In Pretending It IsThe study found that students who read about the benefits of stress before they took a math exam, performed better and reported that they had lower levels of stress. Researchers are stating that stress is not always inherently bad, and it is time that our youth are taught more about the benefits of stress.Jeremy Jamieson was one of the researchers, and he said that stress is not bad, but the way a person reacts to stress is what can cause a negative outcome. Most youths spend a lot of time and energy trying to avoid stress altogether, and that is not realistic, so the focus needs to shift on teaching youth how to embrace stress and how to better cope with it. The research suggests that rethinking the demands, and how a person reacts to it, can allow a person to calm down and focus better on the task ahead of them.

Wed, 26 Jan 2022 13:00:30 GMT
<![CDATA[How To Accept Your Teen's Decision To Drop Out Of High School]]> Raising teenagers is something that is often described as something not “for the faint of heart.” That is because teenagers are in a tricky stage of their development. They are in a stage where they body and mind are maturing rapidly, and they are also trying to navigate a tricky world. They are trying to balance school, work, and a social life. They are trying to separate themselves from their parents a bit, and find out who they are on their own. This can be overwhelming for teenagers and their parents as they try and maneuver these changes.

Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Finding The Right Tutor For Your Child]]> When it comes to education, parents know that it is very important for children to receive the proper teaching that can help them grow and develop. School is a great way for a child to learn, develop and grow. They will grow academically, socially, and emotionally and all of this is equally important. However, there will always be areas that children will tend to struggle in, and it will be different for each individual child. Every child is different and has different, and unique needs. While some may excel in math and sciences, others may struggle.

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA["Single-Gender" School Facts]]> When it comes to a child’s education, parents take it very seriously. They know that school is important for a child’s development and growth. They go to school to not only learn academically, but to develop socially and in other areas. Making sure that mom is picking the right type of environment for their child is vital when it comes to making sure that a child gets everything that they need. The good news is that there are a lot of different school environments to choose from right now, and there is something for every family and child out there.

Wed, 19 Jan 2022 18:00:31 GMT
<![CDATA[Lab Schools Explained]]> A child’s education is one of the top priorities for a lot of parents out there. They want to make sure that they have the best foundation possible to ensure that they grow and develop into adults who lead productive lives. That is why a lot of parents pay attention to their child’s school and education. They are in constant communication with their child’s school and teachers to make sure that they are getting all they can out of them. When it comes to school, there are also a lot of options for parents to choose from.

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 18:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Transitional Kindergarten Benefits ]]> When kids are not quite old enough to attend kindergarten because of their birthday cut-off, parents find themselves scrambling for programs that are more mature than that of preschool but not quite as advanced as kindergarten itself. Locating this type of program is not easy to do and for those that do exist, there is a waiting list that needs to be signed up for years in advance to attend. But for those living in select states, there is a program called transitional kindergarten available through public education that not only teaches some of the concepts kids learn in kindergarten but introduces kids to the classroom setting they will be a part of for years to come. Not surprisingly, there are benefits to attending transitional kindergarten programs and it is unfortunate that they are not offered in more areas across the country.

Fri, 07 Jan 2022 15:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Understanding Special Education: A Parent's Guide]]> It can often seem like school is pretty self-explanatory, and not much thought is put into it. Children go to school, they learn their lessons, develop their social skills, and then they go on to live a successful and happy life. However, when parents stop to think about it, there is so much more to school than one would assume. First, there are different definitions of what school is for someone. Some families choose public schools, some choose private schools, and some choose boarding schools, and they all have their reasons. Some families even make the choice to homeschool their children.

Thu, 30 Dec 2021 14:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[What It Means When A Child Has To Repeat A Grade]]> Almost every parent wants their child to do well in school. They understand that their academic career is incredibly important to them, and a lot of emphasis is placed on grades and attendance in school. Parents make sure that they are staying in touch with their child’s teacher to see if they need some extra help or if they are struggling with a subject. Parent and school communication is vital to ensure that the child will succeed in school. However, despite best efforts, parents can sometimes hear the words that they never want to hear and that is that their child needs to repeat a grade.

Fri, 17 Dec 2021 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[A Parent's Guide To Homeschooling]]> Almost every parent knows that education is incredibly important to a child. There are certain things that children need to learn as they grow, and it is vital for child development. They need to learn how to read, write, do mathematical equations and socialize with others. This means that a lot of parents take school very seriously. They make sure their child has the best education out there, that the schools available are well-staffed and fair and that their child attends school at every point they can. However, it would be a stretch to say that all school systems are perfect when they are not.

Tue, 14 Dec 2021 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Bullying Is More Apparent For Students Who Stay Back]]> A new study has found that students who have to repeat a grade are more likely to suffer more bullying than their peers. While it may never be ideal, there are some students out there who do need to repeat grades in school. They may not be where they need to be academically, but this can have a large impact on their learning and their self-esteem. Studies are being done to see just what the impact is on students who need to repeat a grade, and finding out the impacts are clues at figuring out what schools and parents can do to try and mitigate them.

Thu, 18 Nov 2021 12:00:46 GMT
<![CDATA[Children Receiving Less Sex ED Than 25 Years Ago]]> A new study is showing that children are receiving less sexual education than they were 25 years ago. Sed ex is not everyone’s favorite and it can be a difficult topic to discuss with children. It can make a lot of parents uncomfortable, which is a big reason why the schools have taken on the role. Sex ed is also vital to a person’s health and wellness, and as uncomfortable as it may be, it is still important. It is important to learn about the body, the reproductive system, STI’s and how to prevent pregnancies.

Sun, 07 Nov 2021 22:01:06 GMT
<![CDATA[Blame On Abstinence Teaching For "Crisis" In Youth Sexual Education]]> Experts are stating that there is a “crisis” in sexual education for youth and a lot of the blame has fallen on abstinence teaching. Sexual education (sex ed) is incredibly important for youth, but it can be a subject that makes a lot of people uncomfortable, including youth and their parents. Sex ed is also about a lot more than just being intimate, it is important for the health of youth, and it needs to be taken seriously. It can help inform and educate youth about STI’s, and it can help prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Sat, 30 Oct 2021 11:00:22 GMT
<![CDATA[The "Right Age" To Talk To Children About Race]]> Experts have weighed in on what the right age is to talk to our children about race. While the world has come a long way in the fight for equality and justice for all, there is still a long way to go. While the last (almost) 2 years have taught us so many things, one of those things is that there are still communities out there who are fighting for their rights to be equal and for fair treatment. Since parents are raising the next generation, it is a responsibility to make sure they are raised knowing about race and issues that surround race.

Fri, 29 Oct 2021 16:00:11 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Are Paying Attention To Kids' Education More Than Ever]]> A study has found that there is a difference in parental attention when it comes to their child’s education. Most parents know, and agree, that a child’s education is incredibly important. That this is a fundamental step towards a successful life. That this time is essential for social development, academic grades and school is a place that children attend to feel safe, encouraged, and empowered to be who they are and grow. This would stand to reason parents would take a heavy interest in their child’s education, but studies are being done to see just what the impact this has on children.

Wed, 20 Oct 2021 11:00:23 GMT
<![CDATA[One Million Families Left Public Schools For Other Educational Options Last Year]]> One million families left public schools for other educational options last year, according to a new report. As such, with families being unhappy with the way that their school districts handled the way school was run remotely or that kids had to wear masks to return to school for the remainder of the last school year, some parents felt that better educational opportunities could be had by either homeschooling their children or by sending them to a charter school. And this has led to an increase in these modes of schooling that has not been seen in nearly a decade.

Mon, 11 Oct 2021 18:00:51 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Plan To Use Learning Apps To Continue Kids' Education This Summer]]> A new survey has revealed that parents are still planning on using learning apps to continue their child’s education throughout the summer. Summer is meant to be a time for fun and excitement. A chance for families to get out there and spend some time together and have fun. While school may be out for the year, a lot of parents still want their child to learn and grow and a great method to encourage this is by using electronics and technology to your advantage. Since children have now had some experience navigating online learning, they are more familiar with this method of learning.

Sat, 03 Jul 2021 13:00:47 GMT
<![CDATA[Majority Of Parents Feel Remote Learning "Failed" Children]]> A new survey has found that the majority of parents feel that remote learning has “failed” their children. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the lives of children all across the world, and one of the biggest changes was in school. Children were asked to wear face masks in public, and they were not allowed to have playdates and see family members, and then there was remote learning. Children were taken out of their school buildings and were learning from their homes behind a computer screen. As schools start to return to normal, in-person learning, parents are settling on what this last year has done to their children.

Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:00:37 GMT
<![CDATA[Children Of Well-Educated Parents More Likely To "Survive"]]> A recent study is showing that children of "well-educated" parents are more likely to survive childhood. Since it is not a pleasant thought, not many take a moment to realize that not all children make it out of childhood, and this is especially true for children who do not live in countries considered “richer” and “more developed.” However, children in the US and all over the world do not survive some circumstances. Since this is something we would all like to see come to an end, studies are constantly being done to see what gives some children an advantage over others and what kind of systems can be put in place to encourage survival.

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 11:00:40 GMT
<![CDATA[Outdoor Science Programs Increase Girls' Grades]]> A new study has shown that outdoor science programs may increase the grades of females. Education is important for children, it is vital that they are in an environment where they can learn, grow and develop. This is both for academic reasons as well as social reasons. School is important, but it is often portrayed as a “one size fits all” system, and more and more research is being done to show that this may not be the case. That every single child is an individual and they all learn differently, and researchers are looking at how different environments can affect a child’s learning.

Sun, 11 Apr 2021 18:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Multiple Languages Benefits Kids' Learning]]> The more languages a child knows, the easier it may be for them to learn more. Children are sponges when it comes to learning and growing. Child development is a journey, and a big part of this journey is soaking up all the information they can to learn how to interact in this world. Children learn in schools, by watching TV, by reading, and even by just watching adults interact with each other. They are watching every move that their parents and those around them make to see how they should act. Parents will often want to make this process as easy as possible, and children who speak multiple languages may have a slight edge.

Tue, 06 Apr 2021 19:00:23 GMT
<![CDATA[Hearing & Reading Books Improves Kids' Vocabulary]]> When it comes to developing a child’s literacy and vocabulary skills, a new study has found that having a child listen to and read a story at the same time can make a big difference. Literacy skills are an important part of child development, and it can be a priority to a parent that their child has advanced skills growing up and they want to do whatever they can to help promote the tools needed to help. Parents have been led to believe that reading alone was enough to develop these skills, but it turns out that there is even more we can do to help.

Tue, 30 Mar 2021 14:00:44 GMT
<![CDATA[Moms Teaching Moment About Hate Goes Viral]]> One mom had a great lesson for children on hate, and she posted it to her TikTok account, and it has gone viral. At a time when the world needs love, there seems to be a lot of hate going around and children are noticing. With the recent mass shooting in Atlanta, parents are having to have difficult conversations with their children. Some moms are using their social media platforms to share their teaching moments, and there is something we can all learn from them when we need to have these talks with our children.

Thu, 25 Mar 2021 13:00:32 GMT
<![CDATA['Sesame Street' Introduces 2 Black Muppets For New Series On Race]]> Sesame Street is introducing two new Black characters as they get ready to start a series on race. Sesame Street has been a family favorite for years now, and parents can always rely on the show to provide wholesome content that is fun and educational.

Thu, 25 Mar 2021 12:00:10 GMT
<![CDATA[Many Think 'Consent' Should Be Taught In Preschool, Survey Finds]]> Slightly more than half of Americans wants preschoolers to start learning about sex education, specifically around consent. Sex Education has proven to be beneficial to health and wellbeing, but there has been clear division on who should teach children and when. However, the topic of consent is important for all to learn, and it may mean a lot more than just consenting to intimate acts. Consent is a lot broader than that, and it goes for just about every decision that a person makes about who they are. It decides who is allowed to hug them, kiss them, and even tickle them.

Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:30:00 GMT
<![CDATA[A Parent's Guide To Parent-Teacher Conferences]]> It is important that mom is involved in her child’s academic life. School is a vital part of a child’s life and it not only teaches them subjects such as math, reading and writing, it also teaches them important life skills. It teaches them social skills, by interacting and problem-solving with their peers. It also can teach them time management skills by completing homework and balancing school and hobbies. Within all of this, teachers play a vital role because they are the link between a mom and how her children are doing in school.

Thu, 11 Mar 2021 20:00:47 GMT
<![CDATA[Malala Yousafzai Children's Series With Apple TV+]]> Activist Malala Yousafzai is joining forces with Apple TV+ to bring some inspirational children’s programming, and we are here for it. Malala Yousafzai is an activist and a Nobel laureate and she became an inspirational household name after she was attacked for trying to help girls be able to attend school in 2012. She was riding a bus home from school when she was attacked, and her recovery has inspired millions around the world. Children can learn a lot about bravery and courage from her story, and moms can count on some great content that will educate and inspire their children.

Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:00:19 GMT
<![CDATA[Teachers Unannounced Check On Struggling Remote Students]]> Teachers are making unannounced surprise visits to some of their students that are struggling with remote learning. Remote learning has been necessary for a lot of students in the US due to COVID-19. While it may be necessary, that does not mean that it has been easy for them. Some students struggle with remote learning, and it has proven challenging for students, parents and teachers. Teachers feel like they can not reach the students the way they could if they were in-person, and it makes noticing struggles and offering assistance even harder.

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 13:30:07 GMT
<![CDATA[More Kids Interested In STEM Careers Due To Health Crisis, Survey Finds]]> The pandemic may be changing the career aspirations of children, and they may be leaning to careers in STEM. When it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot has been said about the negative aspects, and what children have lost. Having to go without seeing their family and friends, missing in-person school and all the birthday parties and events. However, there may be positives coming out of this pandemic, and one of them may be the types of careers children will grow to aspire to.

Tue, 09 Mar 2021 12:30:49 GMT
<![CDATA[Reading Skills Decreased In Younger Children Due To School Closures]]> Children are struggling with their literacy and reading skills due to the pandemic, and it is calling for change to happen. The COVID-19 pandemic affected a lot more than people’s health if they contracted the virus. There have been ripple effects being felt all across the world, and some of the hardest hit has been children. Schools went remote, and children were learning behind a screen. Everyone was wearing face masks, sometimes making it difficult for children to read expressions and understand what is being told to them. Experts are still finding new struggles that children are facing every day.

Mon, 08 Mar 2021 19:30:06 GMT