When kids have birthdays on or before September 1, they are automatically enrolled in kindergarten at the age of five. For some kids, this proves to be a perfect choice. They are ready both mentally and emotionally to be in a school setting and learn in kindergarten. But for some, they are not quite mature enough to be in the classroom environment. Because of this, the concept of redshirting and its positives may become a topic of conversation. And for those kids, starting kindergarten a year later may benefit them in several ways.

In states where a transitional kindergarten is an option, kids who would have had to attend another year of preschool because they were born after September 1 have an opportunity to be in a school environment as they turn five years old. For those who are already five and are not ready for kindergarten, transitional kindergarten could make for a great option as well. But when TK is not an option and kids are not ready to be in a kindergarten setting, redshirting may be the best option for them when it comes to a successful school career.

RELATED: I "Redshirted" My Kindergarten Kid & It Was The Best Decision

Here is why kids who start kindergarten a year later may benefit in several ways.

Self-Esteem May Be Higher For Kids Who Start Kindergarten Late

via Pexels/RODNAE Productions

According to the University of Washington, self-esteem is a trait that may already be in place by the time kids reach the age of five. As such, young kids can have an emotional response to whether they are being successful in school or not. Something that can be positive more of the time than negative if kids are redshirted.

If kids are seeing that they understand what is being taught to them by their teachers in kindergarten, they are likely to have more self-esteem than kids will feel concepts are hard to understand.

When the foundation for learning is laid young, it will follow kids as they age. And when this happens, they become better students and have higher self-esteem as a result.

Can Reduce Levels Of Inattention

Kids who are redshirted have better skills with paying attention in many instances. As such, waiting a year to send little ones to school can help them to pay attention better in class as they age. Something that can prove to make them better students overall.

According to Fox 25, by giving kids an extra year to work on their concentration skills, their focus can dramatically increase. When this happens, not only will they fare better in kindergarten but they will also build a base for education that is necessary for success in future grades. All of this happens by simply keeping kids back one year in school.

Kids May Be More Confident

via Pexels/Anastasia Shuraeva

Some kids are naturally more outgoing and confident than others. Those who struggle with communicating with anyone outside their family unit may do okay in kindergarten academically but could suffer socially. Making for another reason to start kindergarten a year later.

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, when parents feel like their kids need another year to emotionally mature to build up their confidence in the school setting, redshirting for kindergarten makes sense. It allows kids the opportunity to be involved in other activities for a year that helps them to separate from their parents more so that when it is time to go to kindergarten, the confidence is there to learn and be social.

May Reduce Levels Of Hyperactivity

When kids are able to sit and be still, they will do better in school because they are paying attention. Because of this, kids who may have problems with remaining still for any period may do better than those who need to be up and moving.

According to the Stanford Graduate School of Education, kids who were delayed for one year from attending kindergarten were 73 percent less hyperactive by the age of 11. What this means is that by allowing kids to have an extra year to mature, not only are they better able to remain still as a youngster but as an older child as well. Something that leads to better understanding and in return, higher grades.

Kids Have Better Self-Regulation

via Pexels/Yan Krukov

It can be hard for young five-year-olds to regulate themselves in the classroom setting. And while it can be done, if it appears that they are struggling with sitting still and doing what is asked of them, starting kindergarten a year late can be very beneficial.

According to The Washington Post, the older kids are the better they are at self-regulation in the classroom. Does this mean that younger fives are unable to have self-regulation? No. It just means that if it appears that this is a skill that needs to be worked on more than what kindergarten can provide, taking another year to prepare kids for the kindergarten classroom setting may just be more beneficial for them than having them struggle throughout kindergarten.

Source: Stanford Graduate School of Education, University of Washington, Fox 25, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Post