- marriage Information and support for moms and parents to help them lead their best life and raise successful, healthy kids. Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:00:13 GMT en-US hourly 60 <![CDATA[Things To Gave Up For The Sake Of Your Marriage]]> It takes a lot of hard work for a marriage to work, and that is no secret. Both parties have to be willing to work together to make sure that the relationship thrives. If they have children, they are likely to do this to make sure their children have both parents in a harmonious home.

Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Normalize Divorce For The Children (They’ll Thank You)]]> While there are many experts who agree that the best home for a child is with both of their parents, we all know that life does not work that way. There are homes that have just one parent, that have parents and caregivers, and homes that have no biological parents present.

Sat, 12 Nov 2022 15:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[I Knew My Husband Was The One When He Genuinely Told Me He'd Be There]]> I knew my husband was the one the night I found out I was pregnant. I'm sure this sounds weird to many of you but bare with me. My pregnancy was a surprise for both of us and in a scandalous fashion, we weren't in a relationship when I got pregnant with our first child. To be quite honest, I was a bit of a wreck after discovering I was unexpectedly pregnant. I was young and I had plans. I was nowhere near ready to have a baby.

Sat, 22 Oct 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Things Stay-At-Home Moms Want Their Husband's To Know]]> Motherhood is always challenging, and there is never one type of “motherhood” that is more challenging than another. When we turn motherhood into a competition, no one gets the support they need, and while neither one is “harder” than the other, they all come with their own challenges and difficulties.

Tue, 11 Oct 2022 16:01:14 GMT
<![CDATA[Can “Synchronized Brains” Make Happy Marriages?]]> A new study was done to look at if it is better to think exactly like your partner, or if it is better to have conflicting thoughts and opinions. When we choose someone that we want to share our lives with, there are a lot of things that we take into consideration. This is the person we will be living with and raising children with.

Mon, 10 Oct 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[What A Stepmom Wishes Her Husband Understood]]> There are a million ways to be a family, and it is becoming clear that families really do come in all shapes and sizes. Co-parenting can be challenging, and there can be other factors that make it a bit more so, and this could be when a parent remarries. When a parent remarries, they introduce another adult figure into their children’s lives and the lives of their co-parent.

Thu, 29 Sep 2022 15:00:14 GMT
<![CDATA[Intimacy Is Much More Than Sex (& It's Key To A Happy Marriage)]]> When hearing a couple is in an "Intimate relationship" people tend to think that the couple is sexually involved. Is it just sex, though? Probably not. Relationships need a lot more than a couple of amazing orgasms to stand strong.

Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Testosterone Actually Prompts Men To Cuddle More]]> Testosterone has always gotten a bad rap as being the hormone that causes men to act aggressively toward others. But in a strange twist, it appears that testosterone can actually prompt men to cuddle with their partners more and cause male parents to be more affectionate with their children as well. This comes as a new study shows that testosterone can cause the same individual to be aggressive or more affectionate. Which direction that individual goes is all dependent on how much testosterone is in the system and the social situation in which they find themselves.

Fri, 02 Sep 2022 13:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Your Partner May Influence Your Climate Change Views]]> A partner may influence the way that a significant other views climate change, according to a new study. While it is not hard to understand that one partner may be able to change the way the other feels about food or the decor of the home, the same has never been looked at when it comes to important topics like climate change. And because of this, researchers set out to determine if one romantic partner could change the other's views about the state of the planet and encourage them to make changes when it comes to climate change.

Wed, 27 Jul 2022 14:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[You'll Sleep Better In Same Bed As Your Partner]]> A new study has found that adults will tend to sleep better if they have someone in their bed with them. It is always presumed that romantic couples share the same bed at night, but a growing trend is seeing couples “sleep divorce,” which means they each have their own sleeping space at night. This could be because one partner snores, one needs the room cold, or just because they like they have their own room to stretch out. While some would say that everyone should just do what they are comfortable with, that may not be what science is saying.

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Teen Marriage The Answer For Some Custody Battles]]> It looks like teen marriage has become the answer for custody battles in the US. Custody battles are going on all across the country, and while they may be seen as necessary, they can be harmful. They can harm the mental health of the two parents involved, but they can also take a toll on the children who may sometimes feel like they are caught in the middle. However, there are parents out there who truly feel like the children will thrive better in certain environments, and this can end up with arguments when past partners do not agree. While there are always many ways to handle custody battles, some of them may not seem to make much sense to society and the surrounding people.

Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Parent's Beliefs About Gender Can Predict Role They Play In Family]]>

A new study has found that a parent’s belief about gender can predict the role they play in a family when it comes to housework and childcare. Gender roles are something that is still prevalent in the world that we live in and even though we would like to think that gender stereotypes are on their way out, we all may still have slight biases in our minds that we are not even aware of when it comes to gender roles in the home. Studies are always being done to look at the impact these biases and thoughts can have.According to PsyPost, a study was done that looked at the beliefs about “biological essentialism” and how it shapes the division of housework and childcare in a home. The study was published in the Journal of Social Psychology, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: 'LEGO' Is Working To Remove All Gender Stereotypes From Their ToysIt was found that a parent's beliefs about gender predict how much they will be involved in childcare and housework. They found that households that had a woman as the breadwinner in the family, had vastly different views about what their roles were in the home compared to families that had the more ‘traditional’ environment where the dad was the breadwinner.The most popular arrangement remains that the dad is the breadwinner, and the mother cares for the children and the home, but that is slightly changing. Mariana Pinho and Ruth Gaunt wanted to look at the thoughts that parents had and how that shaped their division of family roles. To complete this, they looked at the gender ideologies of parents in traditional relationships, and in those that were the opposite. They also looked at what they believed when it came to the idea that men and women have a natural draw to certain jobs and roles within a family.

Sat, 05 Mar 2022 12:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[If I Got To Rewrite My Wedding Vows, I'd Tell My Husband This]]>

This year will be my 8th wedding anniversary with my husband, and a lot has changed since that beautiful October day. My husband and I had a “typical” relationship, and probably quite boring. We dated for a couple of years, then we moved in together, and then he popped the question. We had a very traditional wedding, and a beautiful honeymoon in the Bahamas, and even though that was one of the best moments of my life, it seems like a blur now.So much has changed in those 8 years, we’ve had three children, we bought a house in another city, and we have been living the suburb dream for a while now. Even though my wedding seems so far away, I know our marriage has a long way to go. I remember details about that day, and I remember my vows. We decided to write our own vows, and they were short and sweet. They weren’t long rambles, full of empty promises, but they expressed how we were feeling at the time perfectly. There is a problem with vows though, in my opinion, they are done too early.RELATED: When To Fix A Marriage & When To Let It GoWhen you say your wedding vows, this is near the beginning of your journey together, and they are all sweet promises, but they are promises made out of context. When you are young and in love, you don’t know anything about marriage. You know a wedding, and a commitment, but the concept of what it takes to make a marriage work is foreign to you. As it should be, you are only just starting out. Looking back now, my vows seem almost silly, and little applies to how our married life actually is.[EMBED_INSTA][/EMBED_INSTA]If I had to rewrite my vows now, that I am 8 years into a marriage, they would likely look a lot different, and I guess that is why people renew their vows. After time and experience have passed, you need to renew them because the original ones have expired, and they are just not valid anymore. Our life is beautiful, but it is hard. The world is expensive, and even though we are not by any means struggling, we live paycheck to paycheck. Our children are all young, and my mental health (which I always struggled with) has taken many hits along the way in motherhood. I have lived with postpartum anxiety, and it has taken a toll on our marriage. You may be wondering why I am explaining this, but it is simply to give you some context.If I had to rewrite my vows today, there would be a lot of apologies. I would apologize for how hard I know it is being with me sometimes, and enduring the effects of my mental health. However, I would also know to acknowledge the fact that it has only had an impact because he is my safe space, and I know that I can break down with him. He is my comfort and my person with whom I can be 100% authentic in my joys and sorrows. Now, he has his flaws too, but those never come out in wedding vows. We always say things like “in sickness and in health,” but maybe there needs to be a line about accepting another’s flaws and choosing to love them anyway.[EMBED_INSTA][/EMBED_INSTA]I would also mention how our marriage has changed. How we don’t appear to be “in love” anymore, and that is just because we have truly settled into each other now. We are partners, and there has been damage done to our relationship by being together so long, and the pandemic has not helped. The pandemic has meant that he has been working from home for 2 years, and while we all love our partners, no couple should be together every hour, every day and that has taken a toll.This is worth mentioning because maybe every married couple should be renewing their vows after living through these times. Regardless of where our marriage has gone, it has grown and strengthened, and I believe that our vows now would be less about the “fairy tale” wedding and marriage that it was 8 years ago, and it would be more practical to where our relationship is today.

Fri, 04 Mar 2022 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Kept Spark Alive During Pandemic Like This ]]> A new survey has revealed how parents have kept the “spark alive” in their marriage throughout the pandemic. The pandemic has been hard for families everywhere, and it has added a lot of stress and trauma. While a lot of conversation has been about the impact this has had on children, marriages were also on the brink. Married couples were both working from home, and seeing a lot of each other, and they were also dealing with added stress. This can take a toll on a relationship, and as the pandemic nears its 2-year anniversary, we are starting to look at the impact it has had on marriages, and what some couples have done to make it through.

Thu, 24 Feb 2022 13:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[I'm A Stay At Home Mom, But My Husband Has To Help Too]]>

It may seem unbelievable, but I knew that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom from a very young age. As far back as I can remember, I knew that my goal in life was to get married, have babies, and stay home to take care of them. This may make some feel like I am setting back the “female movement,” but it’s not. This is what I want, it is what I chose for my life, and I am quite content being a stay-at-home mom, and a housewife. This is a job, and this is my job. I may not leave the house and commute, or get paid with money, but this is my career.My husband has a career. He goes to an office, and he works really hard. However, he still has to come home at the end of the day, and he has to help me. He has to pick up some work around the house, and I don’t feel bad about that. I have heard it all, “your husband works, he should be able to get a break when he gets home” is the most common thing I have heard from people who hear that he comes home and helps at home.RELATED: 6 Morning Habits For Mom To Start Her Day Off RightThis should not be shocking to anyone. He helped make these children, he wanted these children as much as I did, and he wants this life too. Would he like a break when he comes home? Sure, but the reality is that he got a one-hour lunch break at work, and I did not. Now, please don’t take this as me complaining about being a stay-at-home mom, because I am not. However, what I am is human, and all humans need breaks. I have three children, a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a 2-year-old, so it is really easy to say that my house is busy throughout the day with only one of them being in school. The action is non-stop, and I feel like I am moving all day, seldom getting a second to sit down.It is also important to note that he is not bothered or upset about being asked to help or pitch in around the house. He also doesn’t think that he is “helping” me. He is just doing his part. With that being said, what he does around the house is still not as involved as what I do. I have always made dinner and cleaned up the messes, but he has to be involved with the kids. When he “helps,” he is usually entertaining the kids for the night, while I make the dinner, clean up and get some time for me. This is a partnership. A marriage means both of us are working together, and this is what it takes to make a house run smoothly.[EMBED_INSTA][/EMBED_INSTA]Since I am home with the children, our house doesn’t always end up looking like a tornado went through it when he gets home, but if it does, he gets to work. I grew up in a home where my dad went to work, and my mom stayed home and my husband had a very similar upbringing, so some of our ideals are generational and have been passed down to us, but the dads always helped. I know there are families out there that have the mom staying home and the dad working, and the dad comes home at the end of the day and is not expected to lift a finger, and here is what I have to say about that. If that is working for that family, and everyone’s physical and mental health is well, that is awesome. You do you. However, in my opinion, this should not be the norm, and it becomes a problem when someone’s mental health is suffering. If mom doesn’t want to ask her husband to do anything because ‘he was at work all day,’ and she is starting to suffer from burn out, she needs to communicate. Sometimes, it can be as simple as dad not knowing that she needs help, and moms are notorious for not asking for help, but moms mental health is vital for the well-being of the entire family.

Thu, 03 Feb 2022 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Why Mom Dismisses Dad's Help]]> No one ever said that motherhood would be easy, and there are moments where mom thinks that she just can’t do another day. However, one of the biggest problems that moms can face is not asking for help when they need it. Moms can have a very difficult time reaching out for help, and this means that moms can get burnt out, and their mental health can really suffer. This means that their parenting and relationships will suffer, but despite knowing this, moms still have a hard time asking for help.

Wed, 02 Feb 2022 17:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Coping Tips For When Hubby Is A Workaholic]]> Being a mom is always going to be one of the most rewarding and challenging things that a woman can do throughout her entire life. There are always errands that need to be run, runny noses that need to be wiped, and sibling arguments that need to be mediated. However, motherhood is thought to be “easier” if mom has a husband or a partner that can help her carry the load. While that certainly is the case for most people, there are instances where mom can find herself solo parenting even though she is married and has a partner through all of this.

Sun, 21 Nov 2021 14:00:24 GMT
<![CDATA[Married Couples Likely To Suffer Same Illnesses]]> A new study has found that married couples are more likely to suffer from the same illnesses. A healthy and stable marriage is important for the whole family. While it is normal for a married couple to share in arguments, or even fights, now and then, a strong relationship full of communication and love will always be better for any children that are involved. However, could it be possible that married couples could become too in sync? That they spend so much time together that they start thinking, acting, and feeling the same? A new study is suggesting that is true.

Wed, 13 Oct 2021 11:00:29 GMT
<![CDATA[Family Meals Are Happening More Frequently & Lasting Longer]]> A new survey has found that family meals around a dinner table are now happening more frequently and they are lasting longer. Life seems to be incredibly busy right now, with a lot of families having both parents that need to work, school being in session and older children having jobs, hobbies, and a friend group. It seems like the times of sitting down for a family meal at a table are long gone, something that you will only see in an old TV show or movie. There just never seems to be the time, and families in a rush are eating on the move, or all at different times.

Mon, 04 Oct 2021 13:00:23 GMT
<![CDATA["Parental Alienation" Should Be Classified As Child Maltreatment By Law]]> Experts are sounding the alarm that “parental alienation” should be classified as child abuse, due to the harm it can do to a child. When it comes to child maltreatment, everyone is aware of the basics. That it can be physical, sexual or emotional and it can have lasting negative impacts on children and their health and development. While most parents would never dream of harming their child, there are a lot of children out there who are not so lucky. In an attempt to rescue more children from harm, experts are always looking into child abuse, and even other acts that are not classified as abuse, but should be taken incredibly seriously.

Wed, 29 Sep 2021 13:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Being Eco-Friendly Makes You More Romantically Attractive]]> A new study is showing that being more eco-friendly may make you more romantically attractive. Marriages are incredibly important, and if two people want to make it work, they are willing to try just about anything. When two people have children, a marriage can sometimes fizzle and not always on purpose. Both parties get caught up in caring for their children and making sure everything is running as it should, that the dedication and attention they should be giving to their marriage gets put on the back burner. This could leave couples looking for ways to bring back the spark that they once felt.

Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:00:11 GMT
<![CDATA[More Time In The Sun May Lead To A More Passionate Marriage]]> A new study is showing that the key to a more passionate marriage may be to spend some more time in the sun. Marriage and relationships are not always easy, and they take a lot of work. A healthy marriage is important for a harmonious home and can contribute to healthy child development. However, when two people welcome children and take on all the stress and work that is involved in parenting, it can put a lot of strain on a marriage, and some can find that the passion is gone, and couples may be looking for a way to get it back.

Mon, 06 Sep 2021 11:00:53 GMT
<![CDATA[Joking About Pandemic Won't Make A Marriage Any Better, Try This Instead]]> Married couples who may have turned to humor to help them cope with the COVID-19 pandemic may not be faring better than other couples. The pandemic has been hard on the healthcare system, school systems and children. However, it is important to note that it has also had an impact on marital relationships. The relationship a mom has with the father of her children is vital for her child’s life and development, and that is why it is important to continue to work with your partner to make sure the relationship is secure and happy.

Mon, 23 Aug 2021 12:00:21 GMT
<![CDATA[New Law Aims To Raise Age Minors Could Legally Marry]]> While it is not spoken about very often, in the United States some states allow minors to get married without parental consent. But with laws passing that require the legal age in which a person could get married being raised to 18, the few states left that allow minors to be married to sometimes much older people, are being flocked to, to obtain a marriage license. No longer wanting to be one of those states, North Carolina is on the brink of passing a law that would raise the age at which children could marry, ending being known as the destination to go to when adults want to marry a child bride.

Fri, 20 Aug 2021 15:00:11 GMT
<![CDATA[Divorce Twice As Likely If Couples Disagree On These Financial Topics]]> Divorce is twice as likely if couples disagree on key financial money topics, according to a new study. As such, if couples cannot adopt the same financial strategies and have the same outlook on their financial future, there will be a serious strain on the relationship due to financial stress that in many cases leads the relationship to an end.

Fri, 06 Aug 2021 16:00:11 GMT
<![CDATA[Pandemic Shifted Family Gender Roles Back To More Traditional Views]]> The pandemic may have shifted some views on families back to more traditional gender roles. The view of what a “family” looks like has been changing rapidly over the years. There are more working mothers, and stay-at-home dads than there have ever been, and the idea of what a “traditional” family looks like was changing. Then a global pandemic happened, and we are still learning about all the unanticipated impacts this pandemic has had on almost every aspect of life. This includes how people view what a family should look like.

Sun, 01 Aug 2021 13:00:11 GMT
<![CDATA[Who Gets The Child Tax Credit In Non-Traditional Relationships?]]> When it comes to the new child tax credit, there has been some confusion on what will happen in families that are not “traditional,” in divorced families for example. Money is always going to be an issue for families, especially in the current climate of the world. The pandemic brought a lot of struggles to families all across the country, as jobs were lost and families started to wonder how they would be able to make it out and provide for their families. When the government announced a new child tax credit, some families saw this as good news.

Mon, 19 Jul 2021 15:30:51 GMT
<![CDATA[Satisfied Couples Show More Of Their Partners On Instagram]]> A new study is showing that couples who are more satisfied in their relationship will show each other more on their Instagram page. Relationships will always be complicated, but they can also be amazing. However, when children are involved, the relationship/marriage can get lost in the process. Mom and dad are consumed with providing for and caring for their children that they can lose sight of the intimacy in their relationship. They may even begin to wonder if they, or their partner, are completely satisfied in their relationship anymore.

Wed, 14 Jul 2021 11:00:00 GMT
<![CDATA[Men With More Masculine Voices, May Be Avoidantly Attached]]> A new study is showing that men with “masculine voices” may be avoidantly attached and have poor communication skills. Communication is key in any relationship, but it may be especially so when there are children involved in the equation. Mom and dad need to be able to communicate effectively to be able to have a cohesive home that runs smoothly, where everyone feels safe. Just because communication is essential does not mean it is every easy, and studies are constantly being done to see just what factors play a part in a man’s ability to grow attachment and communicate effectively.

Tue, 13 Jul 2021 15:00:00 GMT
<![CDATA[Stimulating Your Mind For A Better Relationship]]> If mom is looking at enhancing the relationship she has with her husband all she may need to do is stimulate his mind and be more responsive. When it comes to making a marriage work, there are so many things to take into consideration. When a couple welcomes children, they may start to view their marriage in a different way, and they may even cherish it more because their children are relying on them to work together to be a cohesive unit. However, when a couple has been together for many years, their relationship can kind of “plateau” as they look for ways to stay interested in each other.

Thu, 08 Jul 2021 16:00:00 GMT
<![CDATA[Mom's "Marital Satisfaction" Declines With More Children]]> A new survey has found that the more children a mother has, the less satisfied she is in her marriage. It is no secret that a marriage or relationship changes when a couple has a child. They are facing a whole new world together, and it can take a toll on a couple and it doesn’t matter how strong their relationship was before they had a child. Change is not always bad, but it happens, and it would be safe to assume that the more children a couple has, the more their life will change, but it is the direction it changes that people are most concerned about.

Tue, 06 Jul 2021 12:00:41 GMT
<![CDATA["Familiar Stranger" Technique To Save Your Marriage]]> Experts are saying that if you are a “familiar stranger” to your spouse that it can save your marriage. This last year has not just been hard for parents, but for married couples as well. The pandemic has made relationships really tough, with a lot of them spending all of their time together. This can take a toll on any marriage, and a healthy marriage and/or relationship is vital for parent’s mental health as well as the wellbeing of children. A parent’s relationship is likely the first example of what a relationship should look like, and we want to make sure it is a good one.

Sat, 29 May 2021 11:00:15 GMT
<![CDATA[Younger Generations Support Working Women But Rather They Be Homemakers]]> A new survey is showing that the younger generation does support women who want to go out and work, but they would still prefer a scenario where husbands go to work and women stay home. The family unit is changing, and gone are the days where the majority of the household sees a woman staying at home to raise her children and take care of the house while her husband goes off to his office job in his suit every day. Now, this seems like something you would only see on an old 50’s sitcom. Women, and mothers, are entering the workforce.

Sun, 16 May 2021 15:00:22 GMT
<![CDATA[Mindfulness May Help Couples Forgive Each Other]]> It turns out that mindfulness may go a long way in helping couples forgive each other. It takes a lot for a relationship to work, and most couples want a relationship to work especially when children are involved. Marriage is not always easy, and it takes a lot of work and compromise to get through it and remain happy.

Sun, 16 May 2021 14:30:51 GMT
<![CDATA[New 'American Families Plan' Proposal Will Have A Marriage Penalty]]> It is likely that the new “American Families Plan” will come with a marriage penalty. Families are important to the economy of any country, and the government introduces plans to help the family unit, and they can be confusing for a lot of people to navigate if they do not understand politics or the tax system. They can even be confusing for those who believe they are familiar with how it all works. The problem is that a lot of these plans and legislature that are introduced have direct impacts on families, and it is important that they are understood.

Tue, 11 May 2021 15:00:59 GMT
<![CDATA[If One Partner Suffers From Mental Health Issues, So Might The Other]]> A new study is finding that if a person married someone with mental health issues, they may have some as well, even if undiagnosed. When we pick a partner to spend the rest of our lives with, there are many factors that we take into account; some that we don’t even realize. We look for a healthy relationship that can grow into marriage. We look for someone we want to raise children with and be able to work together to create a safe and happy home.

Fri, 07 May 2021 11:00:39 GMT
<![CDATA[Children's Idea Of Intimate Relationships Formed By Media]]> A new study is claiming that a child’s idea of what an intimate relationship looks like is formed by the media. Children are like sponges, and they are looking to absorb anything around them. While they learn a lot in school, they also learn from watching how those around them interact. A child’s first experience with a relationship is from their parents. They are watching how they interact, how they disagree, and what they do to resolve conflicts. However, that is not the only place children are learning from. They are also learning from the media, and the media is all around children right now.

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 18:30:20 GMT
<![CDATA[Unmarried Interracial Couples Less Likely To Stay Together]]> A new study has shown that unmarried interracial couples are less like to stay together than married couples. Families are a beautiful thing, and part of that is due to the fact that they all look different. Families come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and they are all unique and special in their own way.

Sat, 24 Apr 2021 11:00:01 GMT
<![CDATA[Financial Stress May Cause Married Couples Physical Pain Later On]]> A new study has found that financial stress between married couples could lead to physical pain later in life. When a couple gets married, it is not always 'rainbows and sunshine.' There are struggles that come up that may have not been thought about before saying “I do.” When the couple welcomes children, these problems can sometimes be magnified, and this is especially true for financial stress.

Sat, 17 Apr 2021 18:00:48 GMT
<![CDATA[Broken Heart Syndrome: Deadly Condition When Spouse Passes]]> There has always been the saying that someone “died from a broken heart,” but this is a real syndrome, and it can affect women who have lost a spouse. Many women who go on to marry and create families have something truly joyful in their lives, but this also can come with a side effect. When a woman brings people into her life, like a husband and children, they become the most important things to her, and if something happens to them, it can be devastating and heartbreaking. While it would be a perfect world if no one had to lose something or someone they loved, it does happen, and it can happen when we are young.

Tue, 13 Apr 2021 11:00:27 GMT
<![CDATA[What Healthy Arguments Means To Your Marriage & Kids]]> Just like anything in life, marriage is not always sunshine and roses. It is normal for married couple to have arguments and even fights, they are their own person and they have their own opinion on different subjects and how things should be done. When you add children, there can be even more disagreements when it comes to how to parent. Parents have been encouraged in the past to keep arguments behind closed doors, and that this shouldn’t be done in front of children. That it could be damaging to their mental health to see their parents fight.

Wed, 03 Feb 2021 19:00:18 GMT
<![CDATA[Identifying A Narcissistic Partner & Dealing With Leaving]]> The term narcissism gets thrown around a lot, but what is it? And how do you know if you’re married to a narcissist?

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:30:55 GMT