- LGBTQ+ Information and support for moms and parents to help them lead their best life and raise successful, healthy kids. Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:00:13 GMT en-US hourly 60 <![CDATA[What Do Kids Call A Non-Binary Parent?]]> It is no surprise that families come in all shapes and sizes, and there are rarely two that look exactly alike. The world has become more inviting and inclusive, and this means that families are starting to feel more confident and comfortable being just who they are.

Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Transgender Parents "Hesitate" To Give Child A Gender Label]]> A new study has found that transgender parents “hesitate” to give their children a gender label. While it may be easy to think that the essentials of parenting are the same regardless of race, culture and sexual orientation/identity, there can be some noticeable differences.

Wed, 14 Sep 2022 16:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[When A Mother Loves Her Child, But Doesn't Accept Their Sexual Identity]]> Things are different in today's world. Things are more open and freely spoken about. Gender identity is one of those things. It is common for kids to be curious about their identity, now that they can discuss these things and learn more about them, kids are able to find out where they fit in. This can be confusing and scary for everyone involved.

Tue, 30 Aug 2022 17:00:14 GMT
<![CDATA[How To Stay Calm When Your Child Questions Their Gender (A Quick Guide For Conservative Moms)]]> Gender identity is all over the mainstream media these days. Society seems to have a very black or white viewpoint on it. You stand on one side or the other. However, what happens when your child questions their identity? And what happens if you stand on the side against the transgender lifestyle?

Sun, 07 Aug 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Non-Binary Child Going Through Puberty Parenting Tips]]> Puberty can be a real struggle for any child. Between hormones and other body changes, it can be scary and confusing. In fact, many kids find puberty to be the most difficult time in their lives. However, non-binary children going through puberty face many unique issues that parents may or may not feel prepared to handle. So, if you're a parent dealing with a child going through puberty, you'll want to explore these 10 tips

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 16:01:13 GMT
<![CDATA[LGBTQ+ Adults Still Keep In Touch With Parents Who've Rejected Them]]> A new study was done that looked at LGBTQ+ adults and how they still keep in touch with the parents who “rejected” them as youths. Despite the world coming a long way, there is still work to be done in regard to the LGBTQ+ community, particularly youth. The world has become a more welcoming world, but youth still face challenges as they feel more comfortable about opening up about who they are and living their truth. Part of finding out how to make the world even better is looking at past generations and learning from them.

Tue, 19 Jul 2022 11:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Book To Help Your Child Understand Gender Identity ]]> Gender has become a hot topic among parents in recent years. In fact, many parents are opting to try things like gender creative parenting and are talking about gender with children from a young age. However, talking about a complex topic like gender with a young child can be tricky at first, which is why books can be a helpful tool. If you are looking for books to help you discuss gender identity with your child, check out these 10 options.

Sun, 05 Jun 2022 13:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[LGBTQ+ Teen Resources ]]> Although the LGBTQ+ community is receiving more attention and support than ever before, many LGBTQ+ teens still struggle to find the support and resources they need. When teens don't feel supported and accepted, their mental health quickly declines. However, it only takes one accepting person in their lives to make a difference for these kids.

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 15:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Most Transgender Children Remain The Same 5 Years Later]]> A study has found that most transgender children remain the same 5 years later. The LGBTQ+ community has grown, and while they have come a long way when it comes to equal rights and fairness, they still have a long way to go. One of the benefits of the strides they have made is that children and youth are feeling more comfortable opening up about their truth, and who they are. They feel like the world is a safer space for them, but there are still those that choose not to accept how they feel and how they identify, thinking that it is “just a phase.”

Mon, 23 May 2022 12:00:14 GMT
<![CDATA["Gender-Questioning" Teens Have Worse Health Outcomes]]>

A new study has found that teens who are “gender-questioning” have worse health outcomes. The world has come a long way in understanding that there are differences between sex and gender, and the struggles that the LGBTQ+ community face on a daily basis. However, there is still a long way to go and youth may be struggling with their identity. Teenagers are already in a process of “finding themselves,” but when you add in questions about their gender and sexuality, it can be even more confusing, and it is important to know how to support an individual who is on a journey of self-learning.According to Medical Xpress, a study has found that teenagers who are transgender, or gender-questioning have worse health outcomes. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: Transgenders' Mental Health Better When Hormones Started In Teen YearsWhen compared with cisgender youth (those whose gender matches their biological sex), transgender and gender-questioning youth have increased risk factors and worse outcomes in five areas of health. To complete the study, researchers used data from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior surveys.They wanted to look at risk factors and health outcomes when it came to gender minority adolescents. They looked at bullying, sexual and dating violence, mental health and suicidal thoughts, sexual risk behaviors, and substance use.In the study, they had more than 4,000 transgender individuals, more than 3,500 gender-questioning individuals, and more than 180,000 cisgendered individuals. They found that those who were transgender or gender-questioning had an increased risk of suffering in any of the categories listed above. Any of these health risks could carry long-term health impacts, and they need to be taken seriously.

Sun, 24 Apr 2022 15:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Pixar Reinstates Deleted LGBTQ+ Moment In 'Lightyear']]> Pixar has reinstated a previously deleted scene from their new hit, Lightyear, that features a romantic moment between two LGBTQ+ characters. Disney has been striving to be more inclusive to their audiences. They are featuring more nationalities, more culture, and they are even trying to be inclusive towards the LGBTQ+ community. However, this has not come without backlash from some parents. In the spirit of being informed, Pixar has announced that they have made changes to their new Lightyear film that is coming soon.

Mon, 11 Apr 2022 11:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Conversion Therapy Harms LGBTQ+ Teens]]>

A new study has shown that conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ youth is harmful. The LGBTQ+ community has come a long way in fighting for equal rights and using their voice. This has given power to youth to also speak their truth and be who they feel they really are. However, this comes with heavy stigma and there are methods that parents and experts may want to explore, all in the name of “helping” a youth. Conversion therapy is one of those routes, and studies are consistently being done to see if this type of treatment is helping, or if it is harming.According to US News, a new study has found that conversion therapy is harming LGBTQ+ teenagers. This is only one of the multiple studies that have been done showing that it causes harm. Conversion therapy is a treatment that is aimed at making the LGBTQ+ community “straight.”RELATED: "My Parents Would've Loved Me": Trans Man Warns Against Conversion TherapyThe study, which can be read in full here, looked at data from 28 published studies on conversion therapy, and it found that those who are made to go through it are suffering from more psychological distress and had much higher rates of depression and substance abuse.They also found that they had an increase in suicide attempts. This is also a costly form of treatment, and it costs nearly $100,000 per person. The researchers also stated that based on reports, there is an estimated more than half a million youth in the US who are at risk of conversion therapy. This means that conversion therapy costs the US over $9.2 billion every year, which researchers say is a cost that is causing harm to youth, and not helping them. Researchers are also stating that they need policymakers to stop funding for conversion therapy, because of the harm it has on youth, and that they need to protect them.

Sat, 19 Mar 2022 12:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Florida Passed 'Don't Say Gay' Bill, Making It Closer To Law]]>

Florida has passed the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, as it comes one step closer to becoming law. While the LGBTQ community has come a long way to make sure they have equal rights and opportunities, there is still some progress to be made. This is an important conversation, as more youth are opening up about who they are and feel confident in speaking their truth. This has been shown to be beneficial for their mental health and wellbeing, and some experts think that this should be encouraged. School is where our youths spend a lot of their time, and it should be an environment that they feel safe in, and where they feel like they can be themselves.According to USA Today and NBC News, Florida lawmakers have now passed the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, and it has been sent to Governor Ron DeSantis for a signature to make it an official law.RELATED: Medical Treatment For Trans Youth Reduces Rates Of Self-HarmThis bill will restrict public school classrooms on talks about sexual orientation and gender identity. The official name of the legislation is “Parental Rights in Education,” and if it is made law, it will come into effect on July 1st, 2022.The bill was voted in by a 22-17 vote and the details of it are as follows. If it is made into law, it will prohibit school teachers from talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten to Grade 3, however, it is not presently taught in those grades. When it comes to older grades, any instruction will have to be “age-appropriate.”There is some gray area in the bill, and while it prohibits instruction, it is not clear if this includes class discussions, but the supporters of the bill have said that they would not prevent that.

Tue, 08 Mar 2022 20:25:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Trans Youth Self-Harm Rates Reduced By Medical Treatment]]>

A new study has shown that medical treatment for transgender youth can reduce the rates of self-harm and other mental health issues. The LGBTQ community has come a long way to be recognized and accepted into the world, but there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. This is especially true for youth who are developing and starting to understand their sexuality and identity. For transgender youth, this can mean a lot, and it could mean that they seek medical treatment to help them transition so that their outside matches what they feel on the inside.Transgender youth are also suffering with mental health issues, and work needs to be done to see how they can be helped. According to US News, a new study is showing that medical treatments for trans youth can cut the rates of depression and suicidal thoughts.RELATED: Transgenders' Mental Health Better When Hormones Started In Teen YearsThe study was published in the journal, JAMA Network Open, and it can be read in full here. Researchers completed this study by tracking the mental health of 104 transgender and nonbinary children who were all between the ages of 13 and 20 years old.Over the course of a year, a third of the participants had received puberty blockers, gender-affirming hormone treatment or both. The remaining participants did not receive any medical treatment. When they followed the group, they saw that the individuals who had received treatment had a 60% drop in depression risk, and a 73% drop in suicidal thoughts on average. Diana Tordoff was the lead author on the study, and she stated that these findings are just adding the mounds of evidence they already have that accessing care is helping the mental health of these youth, and it is quite literally, saving their lives.

Mon, 07 Mar 2022 15:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Transgenders' Mental Health Better When Hormones Started In Teen Years]]>

A new study is showing that mental health in transgender individuals is stronger if they started hormones when they were a teenager. The LGBTQ community has come a long way in making sure that their rights are protected, but there is still a long way to go. Due to awareness and inclusion, youth are starting to realize who they are at a younger age, and we are seeing more youth coming out as transgender than in previous decades. While this can be a challenging transitional time for the whole family, transgender youth are usually interested in hormone therapy to help them feel comfortable in their own skin.Hormones continue to be a controversial issue, especially when it comes to youth starting them. According to Medical Xpress, a new study is showing that starting hormones as a transgender teenager may protect their mental health when they are older. This study was done by Stanford University Medical Center, and it can be read in full here.RELATED: Transgender Youth Who Socially Transition Are Pyschologically Doing Just As Well As Their Cisgender PeersThe study found that starting gender-affirming hormone treatment during youth years is linked to better mental health rather than waiting until they are an adult. This information can be a great tool when advocating for transgender rights.To complete the study, researchers looked at data from the largest survey ever done on US transgender adults.This was from 2015, and it included more than 27,000 participants. The study found that transgender individuals who had started hormone treatment as teenagers reported fewer thoughts of suicide and were less likely to suffer from serious mental health illnesses. They were also less likely to engage in substance abuse issues. They also showed a general improvement in mental health when compared to the other participants in the study.

Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:00:34 GMT
<![CDATA["Gender Creative" Parenting Explained]]> If you have heard the term, “gender creative parenting” and are not sure what that means, you are not alone. As the world moves forward, motherhood is always going to change. The more we learn about parenting and what works and what doesn’t, we have to adapt our parenting styles. The world is changing, and for the better, as it becomes more accepting of people from all ethnicities, cultures, and sexualities. Chances are if you asked your parents, they would say that the world of parenting looks much different now than it did 30 years ago, and there is nothing wrong with embracing it.

Sat, 13 Nov 2021 18:30:22 GMT
<![CDATA[LGBTQ+ Youth Faced More Anxiety During Pandemic]]> A new study has revealed that youth in the LGBTQ+ community faced more anxiety during the pandemic than other youth. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on almost every child in the world. However, the impact seems to be dependent on a lot of factors, including (but not limited to) gender, race, and socio-economic status. While the pandemic has been going on for 18 months now, studies are underway to give the world a clear picture of just how this is impacting the youth, and who is more at risk. This can help parents and medical professionals prioritize their support and resources.

Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:00:32 GMT
<![CDATA[Children's Museum To Cancel 'Drag Queen Story Time Hour' Due To Threats]]> A children's museum in Nebraska has been forced to cancel a planned drag queen story hour event due to violent threats. The Lincoln Children's Museum had organized the event with OutNebraska, an LGBTQ organization.

Tue, 03 Aug 2021 16:00:11 GMT
<![CDATA[75% Of LGBTQ+ Teens Still Suffer Discrimination]]> A recent survey has shown that 75% of LGBTQ+ teens have suffered discrimination. Pride month has come to an end, and while it is a great time to celebrate how far the LGBTQ+ community has come, it can also highlight just how much farther the world has to go for clear equality and acceptance. Youth are much more open with their identity and expression now than they were decades ago, and while this shows how far society has come, there are still some who suffer due to harassment and discrimination and for the sake of mental health, this has to change.

Sun, 04 Jul 2021 15:00:57 GMT
<![CDATA[Transgender Student Just Won A Battle For His (& Other Students) Rights]]> Gavin Grimm is a transgender student who has just won a big battle for the rights of transgender students. In the final days of Pride Month, the LGBTQ+ community is still fighting for their rights at school and in their community. Children are becoming more comfortable and open with how they feel inside, and about who they love. Transgender youth are still facing challenges when they are in school, and it goes a lot further than just bullying by their peers.

Thu, 01 Jul 2021 14:30:30 GMT
<![CDATA['Sesame Street' Introduces New Family With Two Dads]]> Sesame Street has welcomed a new family to the neighborhood, and this family has two dads. Sesame Street has been a staple in homes for decades now, and it has been a show that parents can count on for some laughs, friends, and life lessons along the way. The show has helped teach children about the COVID-19 pandemic, about race and diversity and now they are welcoming the LGBTQ+ community into their neighborhood. With Sesame Street, parents can be rest assured that the information will be inclusive to all the families out there that look different, and that being unique is wonderful.

Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:30:10 GMT
<![CDATA[Supreme Court Will Allow Refusal Of LGBTQ+ Foster Parents By Catholic Agencies]]> The Supreme Court will now allow some agencies to refuse to place foster children with LGBTQ+ foster parents. Pride month is meant to be a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and all the work they have had to overcome, but sometimes, it can also serve as a reminder as to how far the world still has to go. There are LGBTQ+ parents that are looking to start their family, and some of them want to make the choice to foster children. Many moms would agree that if a child needs a loving home, and loving home is available, then it would be a perfect fit.

Sun, 20 Jun 2021 15:30:44 GMT
<![CDATA["Landmark" Law Will Be Extended To Protect LGBTQ+ Students]]> A law that is considered a “landmark” will now be extended to protect students who are LGBTQ+. June is Pride month and it is a time to celebrate and reflect on the work that the LGBTQ+ community has had to endure to equal rights and representation. While the world has come a long way, there is more work to be done every day and it is becoming even more important as more children start to feel comfortable living their truth and identifying with how they feel inside. This means that parents of these children are always looking for progress in government protection for their children.

Sat, 19 Jun 2021 12:00:37 GMT
<![CDATA[Increase In Teenagers Identifying As Gay Or Bisexual In US]]> There has been an increase in the number of teenagers who are identifying as gay, lesbian and bisexual. The world seems new and the LGBTQ+ community has really opened up and while there is still a long way to go for full acceptance, the effects of the “love is love” movement have been felt by everyone, including the youth. Children and teenagers are feeling more comfortable “coming out” and expressing who they are and who they love and this can translate to an increase in the numbers of community members. Research is always being collected to see just how big this community is.

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 14:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Connecticut Parenting Bill Protects LGBTQ+ Family ]]> There is a new parenting bill in Connecticut that protects LGBTQ+ families, and it needs to be a trend across the nation. June is Pride month, and this is a time to celebrate what makes everyone unique and to continue the conversation on LGBTQ+ individuals, youth, and families. While the world may have come a long way in acceptance and understanding, there is still a long way to go. There are still laws that are harmful to families in the LGBTQ+ community, and parenting bills that make it hard to be a true parent to children.

Sat, 05 Jun 2021 14:00:09 GMT
<![CDATA[Why More Kids Are "Coming Out"]]> While it is clear that we are living in a more welcoming and loving world, there is still a long way to go. Parents now are changing the world for their children, and their children are growing to change the world for future generations. The LGBTQ+ community is growing every day, as more become comfortable in opening up and living their truth. However, a shift is being seen when people are opening up, and children everywhere are being more open on how they feel inside. This has affected the average age when a person “comes out,” and it is interesting information for parents everywhere.

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:00:06 GMT
<![CDATA['Blues Clues' Releases PRIDE Themed Sing-A-Long]]> Blue's Clues is releasing a PRIDE-themed sing-a-long in honor of Pride month, as they join the crown of inclusive programming. Blue's Clues has always been one of the most popular shows for children, and it is a show that some moms remember watching when they were younger. The show has gone through three hosts, but it continues to be a must-see for any family. As Pride month is upon us, they have joined the other programmings that are planning something special for the LGBTQ+ community. The face of the LGBTQ+ community is changing, as we start to see more families that do not look like the “normal” family, and these changes are being celebrated.

Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:00:41 GMT
<![CDATA['Madagascar: A Little Wild' Will Feature New Pride Episode & New Song]]> Madagascar: A Little Wild is going to feature a pride-themed episode with a new song and some new characters. While it may not be what every mom pictures, it is no secret that her child(ren) is watching more TV now than previous generations. Screen time and TV has been essential for mom’s mental health, and it can have its benefits for children. They are exposed to stories and moral lessons that are delivered in a relatable way. The face of TV is also changing, as more representation and inclusion happens. Madagascar was a popular group of movies, and it spawned its very own TV series as well.

Fri, 28 May 2021 11:30:11 GMT
<![CDATA[High School Students More "Gender-Diverse" Than Originally Thought]]> It turns out that high school students may be more “gender-diverse” than originally thought. It is no secret that the youth of today are more open about living their truth and who they feel they are. The LGBTQ community has been growing with the youth, and they are living in a more welcoming world, and they are creating an even more welcoming world for the generations that will follow them. While there has always been gender-diverse youth, studies are still being done to see just how diverse this population is and what this could mean for them and those around them.

Wed, 26 May 2021 12:00:24 GMT
<![CDATA[LGBTQ+ Youth Created "Safe Spaces" On Social Media During Lockdowns]]> LGBTQ+ youths created safe spaces on social media for themselves during the pandemic lockdowns. When COVID-19 started, families were all sent inside their homes. Schools were closed, and families had little to do but spend some time together. While this may have seemed like a great time for family bonding, it wasn’t that way for everyone. Families all have problems within them, and when faced with extreme stress and pressure, it can cause issues within even the most harmonious family. Children may not have felt safe, and this includes children who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Sun, 23 May 2021 14:00:48 GMT
<![CDATA[Lego Announces 'Everyone Is Awesome' Set Ahead Of Pride Month]]> Lego has announced a new “Everyone is Awesome” set ahead of Pride month. The LGBTQ+ community is growing every day, as more and more become comfortable being who they are with themselves, their families, and the world. This includes a whole generation of children who are growing up feeling free to express who they truly are. The world is also becoming a more welcome place, and this is vital for these children as they grow and find their own place in the world. Companies are speaking out and announcing new products to celebrate and honor those within the community.

Fri, 21 May 2021 13:40:42 GMT
<![CDATA[Why LGBTQ+ Kids Aren't Safe Online, States GLAAD]]> There has been mounting evidence that our LGBTQ+ kids are not safe online. Online is a community, and like any community, it can have some benefits and some risks involved. It may seem near impossible to keep our children away from technology and the internet, so it has become even more important for parents to make sure they are monitoring what their children are doing online. While apps have safety protocols in place, it is still important to be a part of your child’s online presence. It is appearing that not all children are created “equal” online, and some groups of children are more at risk than others.

Fri, 14 May 2021 14:00:57 GMT
<![CDATA[Young Lesbians Face More Conflicts At Home Than Other LGBTQ+ Kids]]> A new survey has revealed that young girls who are attracted to the same sex are facing more conflicts at home than their LGTBQ+ peers. Children are growing more and more comfortable opening up and living their truth. They want the world to know who they are and that it is a beautiful thing, and they may start at home. Youth and teens may “come out” to their parents and immediate family first, because they may feel the safest doing so. However, that will depend on the family unity, and it is important to recognize that it is not all sunshine and flowers.

Fri, 30 Apr 2021 13:00:03 GMT
<![CDATA[Gen Z LGBTQ+ Boys More Comfortable Coming Out To Mom]]> Generation Z boys who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are now more comfortable coming out to their mothers. The LGBTQ+ community is starting to receive the recognition and rights that they deserve, and as the community starts to get more conversation and attention, children are starting to open up and live their truths. One of the hardest things that LGBTQ+ youth can face is “coming out” to their families. They may feel like they will receive backlash and hate for it, but that is starting to change.

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 18:00:54 GMT
<![CDATA[Trans Kids Not New "Phenomenon" Explains Professor]]> A professor is explaining how the reality of transgender children is nothing a new “phenomenon” in response to recent bills being passed across the US. The idea of the LGBTQ community is not new, it is a community that has been around, but the only difference is that awareness and conversations are starting to become common and encouraged. The support and recognition for the community has impacted the lives of children, as they become more open about who they are and are starting to be unafraid to live their truth. However, new bills are being introduced that could restrict the lives of transgender youth.

Sat, 03 Apr 2021 13:00:54 GMT
<![CDATA[Bill Introduced To Ban Medical Care For Transgender Youth]]> Alabama is just one state that is putting forth a bill that would ban gender affirming medical treatments for transgender youth. The LGBTQ community is growing as more and more people feel comfortable living their truth and just wanting to live the life they want and be comfortable. This is even becoming apparent in youth as more tweens and teenagers are discovering their truth and all they are asking for is the ability to be who they are. Government bodies are making this slightly difficult as bills and legislature are being introduced to place some roadblocks in their way.

Tue, 30 Mar 2021 11:30:34 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Can Consent To Puberty Blockers For Kids In UK]]> A UK court is now allowing parents to consent to their children receiving puberty blockers. It is always a wise idea to keep a close eye on things that are happening in other countries, because parents can tend to see a domino affect happening and what other developed nations are doing can filter through to the US and other developed nations. Puberty blockers for tweens and teenagers has been a topic of conversation and that is likely due to the rise in youth that are opening up about being part of the LGBTQ community. While they want to live their truth, they still need their parent’s “permission” to follow through with certain medical decisions.

Sat, 27 Mar 2021 15:00:34 GMT
<![CDATA[Transgender Youth Higher Risk For Heart Disease, Study Finds]]> A new study has found that transgender youth are more at risk for heart disease. The LGBTQ community is growing, and a lot of that is due to the world becoming a more accepting and understanding place. Children are starting to open up about how they feel inside and being brave to live the life that they want to live.

Sat, 27 Mar 2021 11:00:12 GMT
<![CDATA[Pantene Features Trans Girl With Lesbian Moms]]> A popular hair brand is showing its support for the LGBTQ+ community with its newest ad. As every day goes by, more and more people are feeling safe in opening up about who they really are. We are seeing children opening up about their struggles with identity, and trying to find their place within the LGBTQ+ community. This is becoming a more accepting world, but there is still a long way to go, and companies are trying to help erase the stigma by being mindful of their ads and presence in the world.

Tue, 23 Mar 2021 11:30:00 GMT
<![CDATA[APP Against "Dangerous" Transgender Youth Bills]]> The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is speaking out about the transgender youth bills that are being passed in states. Mississippi and South Dakota have both passed bills that would ban transgender youth from sports, and there are other states that are currently working on their own bills and this has not come without concerns. The LGBTQ community is growing and awareness of equality and fair treatment is gaining momentum, and children are starting to be open and honest about who they are. This has come with growing concerns from government bodies, particularly around transgender athletes competing in sports that may give them an “unfair” advantage.

Sat, 20 Mar 2021 12:00:25 GMT
<![CDATA[Parents Outraged After Teacher Read "Inappropriate" Transgender Book]]> Parents in Texas were outraged to learn that their children's teacher read a book to them about a transgender child. The school district responded by calling the book 'inappropriate' and brought in counselors in case kids needed to talk after the experience. The book in question is Call Me Max by Kyle Lukoff. It is a children's book and is featured on many elementary school reading lists to promote diversity and understanding.

Tue, 16 Mar 2021 14:00:00 GMT
<![CDATA[Another State Passes Bill To Restrict Transgender Girls From Sports Teams]]> South Dakota has passed a bill that would restrict transgender girls from competing on high school and college sports teams. Gender identity and the LGBTQ+ community is becoming more prevalent in our society, and more and more people are starting to feel comfortable living their truth, and this includes children. Accepting a child’s admission of their gender identity has many benefits, including benefits to a child’s mental health and feeling of belonging. However, there has also been discussion on if transgender girls should be able to complete on the girl’s teams in school.

Wed, 10 Mar 2021 12:00:56 GMT
<![CDATA[Hasbro Is Making Mr. Potato Head Gender Neutral]]> With new toys appearing every time we turn around, it may seem like the toys of our own childhood rarely stick around. Luckily, some toys like Barbie dolls and Mr. Potato Head have made it through multiple generations at this point, and parents love breaking out the toys that made them happy when they were kids.

Fri, 26 Feb 2021 18:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Children Of Same-Sex Couples Perform Better In School, Says Study]]> A recent study has found that children who come from a home with same-sex parents are doing better in school. There are a lot of misconceptions in the world about children in the home of same-sex parents, and studies are being done to show that none of them are true. Children who are in a loving home, regardless of who their parents are, are faring just fine. This is also true when it comes to school performance, studies are being done to show that they are not only doing just fine, but they are excelling.

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 18:00:02 GMT
<![CDATA[Adoption Agencies Refusing LGBTQ+ Couples Will Lose Funding]]> Adoption agencies may be about to lose their state government funding if they continue to refuse adoption to LGBTQ couples. With so many children waiting to be adopted, one would think an adoption agency would love anyone that came through their doors looking to adopt a child. However, the process to adopt a child is a long and sometimes difficult one, and it was proving impossible to couples who were part of the LGBTQ+ community. Adoption agencies were refusing their applications to adopt children.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 16:30:26 GMT
<![CDATA[One Million Moms Are Not Okay With American Girl Doll's LGBTQ+ Aunt]]> Conservative group One Million Moms is targeting American Girl, again. Fans of the uber-popular doll maker know that the company recently announced their 'Girl of The Year' a doll named Kira Bailey who advocates for animal conservation and respecting the earth. OMM is taking issue with the doll because her backstory includes her visiting her lesbian great aunts, Mamie and Lynette in Australia who manage an animal sanctuary.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 12:00:04 GMT
<![CDATA[Four States Want Law Banning Transgender Kids From High School Sports]]> Four states are advancing laws that would ban transgender athletes from competing in sports. As the world is making tremendous strides at recognizing true equality and fairness for all, there continues to be some controversy on what should be “allowed” when it comes to transgender athletes in the sports world. This is not only something that affects professional leagues, but now schools as four states are moving to pass bills that would ban transgender girls from competing in sports at school.

Sat, 13 Feb 2021 12:30:37 GMT
<![CDATA['Free Mom Hugs' Founder Shares How To Support LGBTQ+ Youth]]>

We all know that the teenage years are hard. However, LGBTQ+ teens face even more difficulties than the average adolescent. LGBTQ+ teens face increased rates of abuse, bullying or victimization than the majority of their peers. LGBTQ+ youth also face alienation from their own families, church homes, and other parts of society, and these hardships can ultimately affect a teen’s self-esteem and mental health.

Tue, 19 Jan 2021 15:30:57 GMT
<![CDATA[How Moms Can Support LGBTQ Teens]]> For many parents, navigating big news like your child coming out as LGBTQ+ can feel difficult at best. And while there are definitely feelings to cope with as a parent, it can also be hard to know what to do to best support your LGBTQ+ teen, especially if they've recently "come out." However, if you simply do these four things, you can absolutely support your LGBTQ+ teen as they grow.

Thu, 14 Jan 2021 22:00:36 GMT
<![CDATA[Best Books For Transgender or Genderfluid Children]]> All children question aspects of their world from time to time. However, for children who identify as transgender, genderfluid, or experience gender dysphoria, these questions and struggles look vastly different. You can help your child work through it all, though, and these 6 books can help.

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 17:00:35 GMT
<![CDATA[Talking To Grandparents About Childs's Gender Identity: Tips & Advice]]> The world is changing, for the better, and we are becoming more understanding that gender is fluid and on a spectrum. That more and more people out there are starting to live their truth and open up to the ones they love and trust. While it is getting better, there is still a long way to go and there are still some family members that may be a little more hesitant in understanding and accepting children and their gender identity.

Mon, 04 Jan 2021 15:15:47 GMT
<![CDATA[Jillian Shea Spaeder: Get To Know The 'Godmothered' Star]]> Godmothered, a wonderfully whimsical movie about a young fairy in training, aired on December 4. Jillian Shea stars alongside Isla Fisher, and Jillian Bell in this Disney plus original Christmas movie. Godmothered is a comedy about a young fairy, Eleanor, trying to earn her godmother status. Eleanor learns that due to a lack of belief, godmothers may soon be extinct and all remaining trainees will be made into tooth fairies. Eleanor decides to prove the world is still in need of fairy godmothers so they may live happily ever after.

Mon, 07 Dec 2020 19:00:27 GMT
<![CDATA[Inspired By Elliot Page, Teen Posts 'Trans Etiquette Guide]]> When Elliot Page came out as transgender, he inspired a lot of people out there to live their truth and one teen had an important message to share. The issues facing the transgender and LGBTQ+ community are still front and center, and that is because the world is still evolving and there are a lot of things to learn. When someone you know comes out as transgender, it is a change and it takes some adjusting and while it may seem “normal” to slip-up or make a mistake every once in a while, we all need to learn some basic etiquette when it comes to how we refer to those who are transgender.

Fri, 04 Dec 2020 16:36:46 GMT
<![CDATA[Boy Writes Letter To Santa & All He Asked For Was Love]]> One little boy wrote his letter to Santa and all he wanted this year is love. It is a refreshing reminder of what is important. Every year at Christmas time, children all over the world write their letters to Santa. They are normally letters filled with wishes of toys, puppies and ponies. They are written promises that they have been good this year, and they will continue to be good if Santa just brings them their one wish that they want. Very rarely do we get to see letters that have a more humble and heartwarming request.

Sat, 28 Nov 2020 20:30:41 GMT
<![CDATA[Harry Styles: A Role Model For Kids]]> Harry Styles is one of the greatest musicians today, as well as a huge advocate of the LGBTQ+ community, but his message of general acceptance of everyone is why he should be considered a great role model for your child. Harry Styles has become a fashion icon, as well as, a music powerhouse all over the world. He will grace the cover of Vogue magazine as the first-ever solo male to be featured on the cover in the 128 years since the magazine published its first issue.

Mon, 23 Nov 2020 20:41:21 GMT
<![CDATA[Gay Teen Asks To Attend Girls Only Sleepover & The Mom’s Response Is Gold]]> In our pre-pandemic, not worrying about the coronavirus days, sleepovers were a big part of our teen's lives. They often looked forward to the weekends just to have their friends spend the night. But, let's be real: most parents have a rule against the opposite sex of their child spending the night. It only makes sense, especially if you don't want them to "get busy" under your roof.

Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:30:46 GMT
<![CDATA[HBO Max's 'Transhood' Explores Issues Surrounding Transgender Youth]]> There are real life issues that youth are struggling with, and the world is becoming more open and accepting of them. This is being reflected to documentaries and features targeting a group of people who are going through their own unique issues. The transgender youth of the world have their own unique set of challenges they are facing, and there is one documentary out there that is set to explore these issues, and the impact it can have on families. HBO Max’s newest documentary Transhood is meant to shed light on the issues affecting the youth as they travel their path.

Sat, 14 Nov 2020 16:15:48 GMT
<![CDATA[RITZ Crackers Commercial Invites Us To Spread Love]]> Families have one thing in common: they are tied to each by love. After that, there are a lot of different characteristics and traditions that can go into a family, but as long as there is love, that's what really matters.

Sat, 14 Nov 2020 13:30:48 GMT
<![CDATA[Kids Are Born Without Prejudice: How To Keep Them That Way]]> There is nothing predetermined in a child's mind, at birth, that creates bigotry, racism or intolerance. The environment a child is brought up in directs their way of thinking, and creates their prejudices. They can learn hate and exclusion, towards others or themselves. Just as we are born to love each other, we are born to love ourselves. A child does not run up to someone expecting to be mocked or treated differently because of the color of their skin or a cognitive impairment. These are learned, whether we learn to treat others with disrespect, or accept hatred toward ourselves, it is learned.

Tue, 03 Nov 2020 16:00:43 GMT
<![CDATA[Schitt's Creek: Loving Your Kids As They Are]]> Schitt's Creek might be the most talked about comedy series right now. The TV show had a record breaking sweep at the Emmy's including best actor, Eugene Levy (Johnny Rose), best actress, Catherine O'Hara (Moira Rose), best supporting actor, Dan Levy (David Rose) and best supporting actress, Annie Murphy (Alexis Rose), among other awards, including outstanding contemporary costumes, outstanding directing for a comedy series, and outstanding single-camera picture editing for a comedy series.

Sun, 25 Oct 2020 15:00:14 GMT
<![CDATA[Pope Francis Says LGBTQ+ People Have Family Rights]]> It has taken the world a long time to figure out that every family looks different, and not only is that OK, but it is something that should be celebrated. The idea that “Love is Love” is taking over, and we are seeing systems start to change and realize that as long as everyone loves each other, it doesn’t matter if a family has a mom and a dad, or two moms. The Catholic church has a history of not supporting the LGBTQ+ community, but that has changed as the church adapts to the modern world.

Wed, 21 Oct 2020 15:35:29 GMT
<![CDATA[Get To Know Gloria Estefan's Daughter, Emily Estefan]]> If you were a part of the '80s or are part of planet Earth, you have heard of Gloria Estefan. She was a huge star and lead singer of Miami Sound Machine with hits like "Get On Your Feet," "Anything For You" and one of their most popular hits, "Conga." What you might not know, is that Gloria has a daughter whose talent could very well rival her mother's. Her name is Emily Estefan and she is a force in the music industry.

Wed, 21 Oct 2020 13:40:47 GMT
<![CDATA[Gloria Estefan Talks On Daughter's Gender]]> Renowned singer Gloria Estefan and her daughter Emily are publicly speaking out for the first time about Emily’s sexual orientation and Gloria’s experience processing the coming out. 25-year-old Emily first made her sexual orientation publicly known by announcing her same-sex relationship in 2017, according to People.

Fri, 16 Oct 2020 13:45:45 GMT
<![CDATA[Matthew Shepard’s Mom Message For Amy Coney Barrett]]> A mom's job is to stand up for her son, and one Wyoming mom continues to speak out for her child 22 years after his death. Judy Shepard has a message — from one mom to another — for Amy Coney Barrett, the Supreme Court nominee whose confirmation hearings began today.

Mon, 12 Oct 2020 18:00:56 GMT
<![CDATA[#ProudParent Shows Love To LGBTQ+ Kids On National Coming Out Day]]> It's National Coming Out Day, and families across the globe are celebrating and sharing their support with one another! Designed to raise awareness and help to encourage inclusion, this day is held in celebration of all kids that have come out or are preparing to come out to their friends and families.

Sun, 11 Oct 2020 12:45:19 GMT
<![CDATA[What National Coming Out Day Reminds All of Us About Parenthood]]> For over 30 years, the visibility and value of LGBTQ+ individuals has been celebrated in the United States during October. Being open about their sexual identities can be terrifying for children, teens, and adults alike; marking this milestone of courage with National Coming Out Day brings to the forefront acceptance and unity for everyone. Here, we’ll explore what it means to be a supportive parent on a day that may have more significance to your child than you realize.

Sun, 11 Oct 2020 10:45:54 GMT
<![CDATA[OREO's Rainbow Cookies Is A #ProudParent]]> October is Pride History month and it is an excellent way to acknowledge and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and all they have been through and continue to go through as they fight to be included and have the basic human rights we all take for granted. We are starting to see large corporations join in the celebration, and that is so important.

Fri, 09 Oct 2020 19:46:52 GMT
<![CDATA[Hallmark Channel’s Christmas Movie About Gay Soon-To-Be Parents]]> The weather may be getting cooler, and that can only mean one thing. Christmas is just around the corner! The world may have never needed the magic of Christmas more than they need it this year, and it is going to be here before we know it. That also means that Christmas movies are about to hit our TV screens, and we know that we can always count on Hallmark to deliver some feel-good yuletide magic.

Fri, 25 Sep 2020 11:00:41 GMT
<![CDATA[Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union Say Daughter Zaya Changed Their View On Life]]> Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade have been daughter Zaya's most outspoken supporters, especially since the teen came out as transgender. While celebrating their daughter's desire to live her true, authentic life they both have become staunch allies for the LGBTQ+ community. And, while being so supportive and unconditional in their love for Zaya has no doubt changed her life, the couple credit Zaya with also changing their lives for the better.

Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:20:37 GMT
<![CDATA['Schitt's Creek François Arnaud On Toxic Masculinity]]> Mom is always looking for a great role model for her sons, someone they can look up to especially with the common issues that boys are facing as they grow up. Toxic masculinity is one of the biggest issues that boys are facing, and some celebrities are standing up to speak against it and we hope their message reaches all the young men out there. Schitt’s Creek is one of the most popular shows out there, and it is doing rather well considering all the Emmy awards it just brought home. However, one of its stars is speaking out about the issues surrounding men.

Wed, 23 Sep 2020 15:35:19 GMT