When it comes to the health of children, it is the priority of every parent, teacher and doctor out there. The goal is to make sure that children grow up healthy and well, and this is in every aspect of the term “health.” This means that there is a lot of focus on mental health, emotional health and physical health.

It is no secret that there is a problem with childhood obesity in the US, and making sure children are aware of their physical health is important. This means that they are aware of their nutritional needs, and the need for physical activity.

However, there may be some concern about how this is being taught in schools, and if it is even being taught. Studies are being done on this to make sure that schools are prepared to teach children, but it seems like there may be some gaps. Finding out the gaps can help them fill them, and make sure children are aware of their needs.

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We Already Know Why

via Pexels/Yan Krukov

According to Medical Xpress, a new study may have discovered why physical health is not being promoted as much in school. This study was done by the University of Cambridge, and it can be read in full here. It found that the problem may be “poor professional development,” and this is what researchers are stating is causing the poor physical health learning in schools.

The research has said that there is ineffective teacher professional development, and this is why this area of education is failing. The researchers wanted to look at the training that was given to teachers who were responsible for implementing new physical education lessons, sports, active breaks and other programs related to health.

They looked at data for hundreds of schools across 19 countries, with half of them being in the US. They found that teachers were not given clear goals towards what they should be teaching children, they were not given feedback on their teaching, and they did not receive the resources that they needed. This has led researchers to think that this could be why students are not getting the right education when it comes to their physical health.

Physical Health Affects Everything

A Young Girl Running Outside In Gym Class
via Pexels / Mary Taylor

On top of the obvious benefits of learning about physical health, there are other things that make it a vital learning opportunity for children. While physical activity obviously helps keep children at a healthy weight, with a healthy body that is less likely to get sick, there are other benefits that help them in school.

According to the CDC, knowledge of physical health can help children in school. Previous work has shown that they get better grades, attend school more often, and have better cognitive performance. They also behavior better in the classroom. It looks like investing in the teaching of physical health will benefit children in almost all aspects of their lives, and their education.

Sources: Medical Xpress, Bio Med Central, CDC